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The Finance for Biodiversity Foundation and the EU Business & Biodiversity Platform published the Third update of the Collaborative Engagements Overview

In the last few years, more and more financial institutions have started engaging with companies on biodiversity. By providing yearly updates, the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation and the EU Business & Biodiversity Platform want to help financial institutions to navigate the ever-changing landscape of collaborative biodiversity engagements. This overview points financial institutions to ongoing engagements that they can join, as well as directs them to information generated by past collaborative engagements. In this third update, nine new biodiversity-related collaborative engagements have been added.

date:  25/01/2024

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Financial institutions have an impact on global biodiversity levels largely through the companies they finance or invest in. Engaging with these companies is an important strategy to reverse biodiversity loss. This is why ‘engaging with companies’ is one of the five commitments outlined in the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge.

This Collaborative Engagement Overview serves as an annex to chapter 3 of the Guide on Engagement with companies, launched in 2022. It contains a wealth of information for financial institutions on how to engage with companies on biodiversity topics.

This guide was co-authored by six active members of the FfB Foundation and F&B Community that is part of the EU Business&Biodiversity Platform. It provides a comprehensive overview of ongoing and past biodiversity-related collaborative engagements, including both collective engagements and joint investor letters. 


Download the report here to stay updated on the latest guidance for financial institutions.  



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