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Editorial LC Platform 2023/2


date:  19/12/2023

The European Commission’s data gathering exercise on the wolf has focused attention again on the protection status of the species and the facts and figures available on population numbers, range and damages called to livestock. While this debate polarises, including within the EU Platform, there are certain topics that all platform members agree upon. 

Depredation of livestock remains the most controversial issue related to the presence of large carnivore species. No matter what you think about the wolf’s protection status, we will need to coexist with wolves in the EU landscape and protection of livestock remains important in the future. For this reason, the EU Platform has been active in collecting up to date information and as far as possible, comparing the situation in different member states. At the same time as the Commission releases their report on the wolf status, we are also pleased to release our report on livestock protection. To mark the event, the Platform organised a regional workshop in Waimes, Belgium where local and EU-level stakeholders, the European Commission (DG ENV and AGRI) and even a livestock guarding dog came together to discuss livestock protection.  

We hope that in addition to this newsletter, the results of the workshop as well as the report itself will provide you with interesting reading. However, even more importantly, we would like to wish you a relaxing seasonal break and that you come back refreshed to start 2024.


Jurgen Tack

Secretary general at European Landowners' Organization (ELO)

Co-chair of the EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores