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All 96 applications are online now!

The 2024 edition applicants have invested their time and resources in restoring connectivity in rivers, green corridors and flyways, among other habitats, anti-erosion activities, and species reintroductions. There are a particularly high number of actions tackling terrestrial and marine invasive alien species, as well as initiatives aimed at removing barriers to migratory fish, fencing initiatives to protect livestock, pest control, and approaches addressing the impacts of rural depopulation.

date:  25/10/2023

Their achievements as can be seen on the map have impacted habitats across the continent, including permanent and temporary wetlands and floodplains, forest landscapes, pastures and meadows, marine habitats, mires, active raised bogs and blanket bogs, salt marshes, coastal dunes and lagoons, as well as urban environments. They have also addressed challenges faced by many threatened animal species, from the smallest insects and spiders, through many different kinds of breeding and migratory bird species, amphibians, bats, migratory fish, small mammals including the otter and European mink, to the emblematic large carnivores such as the wolf and lynx.  

It is impossible to do all the applications justice in a few short paragraphs. Give them all the recognition they deserve by visiting the Award website - see where the applications are located on the map, read in more detail about the activities carried out, and check out their photos and videos.

Share their results with others: #Natura2000Awards.