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EU Nature Restoration Law: next steps


date:  26/06/2023

The Nature Restoration Law (NRL), proposes setting binding targets to stop biodiversity loss in the EU aims by establishing restoration measures on at least 20% of all EU land and sea areas by 2030. The proposal is currently being scrutinised by the European Parliament and the European Council. On 15 June, members of the European Parliament’s (EP) responsible committee, the Environment Committee voted on the NRL proposal. Due to the large number of proposed amendments, the voting process on the law itself was delayed to 27 June. On the 27 June, no majority for the law was reached, the committee will therefore recommend that the plenary reject it.  The vote in the plenary is expected to take place 11-13 July in Strasbourg.

The European Council reached an agreement supporting the proposal on 20 June.