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19th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP19)

This year’s World Wildlife Conference is being asked to consider stricter trade regulations for nearly six hundred species of animals and plants believed to be under increased threat of extinction from international trade. In what is being seen as a barometer for the state of the world’s wildlife, just nine species are being recommended for less restrictive trade regulations.


date:  14/11/2022 - 25/11/2022

venue:  Panama Convention Center, Calle Gral. Juan D. Peron, Ciudad de Panamá, Panama

Organiser:  CITES

The event will bring together nearly four thousand experts in conservation and international trade and will include representatives of the European Union and the 183 signatory countries to CITES.

CITES Secretary-General, Ivonne Higuero, welcomed the strong interest from the Parties. ‘Trade in wildlife products is enormously important,’ she stated. ‘There is almost no area of our lives that is not dependent on nature, and this is why international trade in wild fauna and flora must be sustainable. Our survival depends upon it and the decisions that the CITES Parties will take in November will contribute to the conservation of species, of biodiversity and to the health of our planet.’