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Fourth meeting of the intersessional process considering the Strategic Approach and sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 | Bucharest, 29 August – 2 September 2022

Participants made progress on the outline for a future framework on chemicals and waste to guide global efforts for years to come, and agreed to reconvene in early 2023 for further deliberations to enable the framework’s adoption at the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) in September 2023.


date:  13/10/2022

According to Barna Tánczos, Minister of Environment, Water, and Forests of Romania, the expected outcome of IP4 was to establish recommendations for a vision, strategic objectives and targets for the global framework on the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020. He also stressed the importance of agreeing recommendations on: national implementation; international, regional and sectoral cooperation and coordination; and enhanced sectoral and stakeholder engagement.

A significant achievement of IP4, welcomed by all delegates, was the IP Co-Chairs Single Consolidated Document, which will serve as the basis for negotiation at the next IP4.2 meeting and brings the tasks ahead of ICCM5 into sharper focus. This document covers the vision, scope, principles, strategic objectives, targets, institutional arrangements, implementing measures, financial considerations, and procedures for designating ‘issues of concern’ for special attention and concerted action.

At IP4 the EU supported:

  • a vision that is easy to understand, short and concise, is kept as close as possible to SDG 12.4 (environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle), and takes into account SDG 3.9 (substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination);
  • a scope broadly covering chemicals and waste and the lifecycle approach throughout the value chain;
  • targets that are impact-focused and time-bound;
  • the proposals for strategic objectives suggested by the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) with some modifications;
  • the use of the outcome of the Virtual Working Groups (VWG) as the basis for discussions, together with the outcome of IP.3;
  • in principle the International Council of Chemicals Associations (ICCA) proposal for a capacity-building mechanism; and,
  • the existing bureau structure, which allows all stakeholders’ involvement.

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