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Dear EMAS Community,

As EMAS continues into this new year, 2022, our mission is to further strengthen the scheme’s visibility and outreach – be it virtual or physical. Therefore, we have decided to reinstate the EMAS newsletter to inform you regularly about new developments and events.

date:  05/04/2022

The relaunch of the newsletter is happening in the ongoing state of multiple crises. EMAS has been navigating in the complexities of a pandemic a third year in a row now – with stable registration numbers. Simultaneously, action on climate change mitigation is more urgent than ever, according to the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). And for more than a month now, a war is raging in Europe.

The EMAS community looks at companies and other organisations as facilitators of positive change. The scheme requires organisations to regularly review their impact on the environment, their policy and their action plan. EMAS includes the needs and expectations of stakeholders, especially employees. As a matter of fact, EMAS organisations invest a lot in employee training, empowerment and communication. All this contributes to building an organizational structure for the realisation of positive change.  

As EMAS enters its 28th consecutive year, our belief in EMAS as a great tool for excellence and high-quality reliable environmental management remains unsevered. EMAS organisations are leading efforts to promote sustainability along their value chains. Together, we continue to work on making EMAS available to as many organisations in Europe as possible.

For a greener and more peaceful future together.