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Still on time to see the EU photo exhibition on Mexico’s biodiversity

The exhibition consists of 25 original photographs showing species of wild, migratory or resident animals living within Mexican borders.

Jesús Antonio Moo Yam

date:  21/12/2021

On 5 November 2021, The European Union inaugurated the photo exhibition “Mexican biodiversity through the lens of youth” at the Museum of Natural History and Environmental Culture in Mexico City.

The exhibition consists of 25 original photographs showing species of wild, migratory or resident animals living within Mexican borders. The photographs were selected from more than 1000 images submitted by young artists aged between 18 and 29, residing in various parts of the Mexican Republic.

The virtual version of the exhibition can still be enjoyed at the following link:

This photo exhibition was organised by the Delegation of the European Union to Mexico, in coordination with the United Nations Environment Programme in Mexico, WWF Mexico and Terrasat.

At the opening ceremony the Ambassador of the European Union, Mr. Gautier Mignot, recalled that the opening of the exhibition coincided with the UN COP26 Climate Change Conference, an event of vital importance for the future of global climate action and with clear impact on biodiversity. He congratulated the young photographers for capturing and sharing unique images of wildlife in Mexico. “They have not only demonstrated their talent, but also their passion and concern for nature and biodiversity. Mexico’s biodiversity is wonderful. Let’s celebrate it and take care of it!

Read the press release.

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