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ASEAN and EU hold 3rd High-Level Dialogue on Environment and Climate Change | Online, 16 September 2021

Senior officials from ASEAN and the EU gathered virtually on 16 September for the third EU-ASEAN High-Level Dialogue (HLD) on Environment and Climate Change, which was hosted by Brunei Darussalam.

date:  19/12/2021

The dialogue facilitated catching up on issues related to the green recovery in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, among other matters of the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework and the European Green Deal, in particular the Fit for 55 policy package and implementation plans. Further topics of importance included the ongoing cooperation of the EU and ASEAN on smart green cities, sustainable finance, preserving biodiversity and ecosystems, eliminating ozone depleting substances and their illegal trade, climate change, carbon pricing, circular economy (including marine plastic litter, chemicals and transboundary movement of waste), as well as preparations for the 5th UN Environment Assembly (UNEA).

In the field of climate adaptation, ASEAN and the EU noted potential future actionable items, for example effective handling of wildfires on the ground for reduction of carbon emissions, scaling up international finance to build climate resilience, and promotion of environmentally sustainable economic activities.

Both sides highlighted the impacts of unsustainable consumption and production on the climate change and biodiversity crises, and explored further exchanges on policies and best practices to make their economies more circular and less carbon-intensive and polluting.

Launch of two EU-ASEAN studies

The dialogue provided the platform for the launch of two studies conducted under the Enhanced EU-ASEAN Regional Dialogue Instrument (E-READI). The study on “Investing in Sustainable Natural Capital in ASEAN” presents the current status of natural capital (elements of the natural environment that provide valuable goods and services to people) among the ASEAN Member States and offers recommendations for an ASEAN Natural Capital Roadmap. On the other hand, the study entitled “Strengthening Science and Policy Interface in Climate Change related Decision-Making Process - Laying the groundwork for the development of Long-Term Strategies (LTS) in ASEAN” explores ASEAN’s low greenhouse gas emission development strategies in accordance with the 2015 Paris Agreement. The publication of these studies crowns two years of intense collaboration between the two regions, culminating in evidence-based policy guidance and recommending steps towards a sustainable future.

The Green Team Europe Initiative

The EU and ASEAN committed to continue their cooperation involving all relevant stakeholders on both sides, including EU Member States, to ensure effective implementation of the critical cooperation discussed at the High-Level Dialogue.

In this regard, the EU presented its Team Europe Initiative, which will provide financial means for joint activities between ASEAN, the EU, and its Member States.

On November 18, Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, announced the allocation of €30 million to strengthen the EU's partnership with Southeast Asia and to cover programmes and projects to support the implementation of a Green Team Europe Initiative (GTEI) in areas including climate action, environmental and biodiversity protection, clean energy transition, disaster resilience, prevention of illegal logging, wildlife trafficking and air pollution.

As part of the EU's overall Green Deal diplomacy, this initiative provides the framework for coordinated green action between participating Team Europe partners (Austria, Denmark, France, Germany and Romania, as well as the European Investment Bank) and ASEAN and its Member States, seeking synergies between the European Green Deal and the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, while promoting the joint commitment to a lasting and sustainable transformation towards circular, climate-neutral and environmentally sustainable economies and resilient ecosystems.


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