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Fight against deforestation: where are we?

The EU is determined to intensify measures to tackle the global problem of deforestation and forest degradation and relevant commitments are included in the European Green Deal, the Farm to Fork Strategy and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. Acting on these commitments, the Commission is now working on the new legislation to reduce the impact of EU consumption on deforestation and forest degradation. The proposal is expected in autumn with the two-fold objective: boost the consumption of sustainably produced commodities by promoting transparent and deforestation-free global supply chains and prevent the placement of products and commodities that may be associated with deforestation on the EU market.

date:  07/06/2021

The proposal will be guided be the ongoing impact assessment and the results of the fitness check of the EU Timber and FLEGT Regulations. It will further build on the evidence that one of the main divers of drivers of deforestation is agricultural expansion, which necessitates a shift towards agricultural practices that reduce the pressure on forests.

The focus will be on the demand side seeking to promote EU consumption of products from “deforestation-free” supply chains, while ensuring a level playing field for those who are already pursuing sustainability in their supply chains. The EU will work closely with major consumers and producer countries to effectively reduce the environmental footprint of production and consumption of agricultural commodities.

Elements of the proposal include:

  • Cover a range of commodities, such as timber, palm oil, soya, livestock, coffee and cocoa - in bulk and their derived products.
  • Use internationally recognized criteria to identify the risk of supply chains being associated with deforestation and forest degradation. To avoid possible discrimination between commodities, the focus will be on the production circumstances and the rules will apply equally to goods and products produced inside and outside the EU.

For more information:

EU Communication (2019) on stepping up EU action to protect and restore the world’s forests

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