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On May 31, the EU-Japan Summit took place with the Green Alliance as key deliverable

The key deliverable of the EU-Japan Summit was the Green Alliance – the first of its kind. The Alliance has a very strong environmental dimension reflecting the overall spirit of the European Green Deal and DG ENV top priorities. As such, it includes a joint commitment to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, circular economy, sustainable supply chains and the global plastics agreement. The intention is to deepen green cooperation with Japan, to make it more visible and promote the green agenda together at a global level.

date:  31/05/2021

The Green Alliance with Japan is the first of it is kind and the EU intends to seek similar Alliances with the other key partner countries that demonstrate ambitious climate commitments. These include the US, Canada and the Republic of Korea.

The Green Alliance with Japan includes the following environmental aspects:

  • A joint commitment to green transition and to climate neutral, biodiversity-friendly, circular and resource-efficient economies.
  • Both aim to reach an ambitious and realistic post-2020 global biodiversity framework and facilitate its effective implementation underlined by the 30x30 targets at the global and domestic level ‘according to national circumstances’.
  • Both will enhance cooperation on supply chains sustainability, circular economy, resource efficiency, sustainable product policy with the focus on the entire life-cycle of products.
  • There is a commitment to tackle plastic pollution and an agreement to engage towards a global framework on plastics.
  • In relation to regulatory cooperation, both agreed to facilitate the uptake of innovative environmental solutions, sustainable products, and sustainable government procurement and promote relevant standards globally.
  • There is an interest to enhance policy dialogue on green finance, battery ecosystem, alternatives to the use of micro-plastics.
  • On Research and Development collaboration, there is a special focus on
  • EU and Japan have also agreed to support green transition in the third countries, including by working together in G20, Global Alliance for Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency (GACERE), WTO and in the ASEAN region.