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Guide to measuring biodiversity for financial institutions

As the loss of biodiversity becomes ever more urgent, financial institutions are looking for ways to quantify the impact of their finance and investment activities on biodiversity. To help them better understand the variety of biodiversity measurement approaches for financial institutions, the EU Finance@Biodiversity Community and the signatories of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge have developed the Guide on biodiversity measurement approaches.

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Nature and Biodiversity

date:  25/03/2021

This Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the six biodiversity measurement tools currently in use by financial institutions. It highlights the strengths and weaknesses but also the maturity of each approach and details the data and resource requirements needed. It also gives insides on which tools will be most suitable to their organizational ambitions, business applications and type of asset categories.

The need for such a guide was raised by signatories of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge with respect to implementing commitment 3 of the Pledge - Assessing Impact. This new Guide serves as an annex to the Assessing Impact section of the Pledge’s main Guidance Document. The need for an overview of the various biodiversity measurement approaches developed specifically for financial institutions was also echoed by the EU Finance@Biodiversity Community. The format of the Guide was defined in collaboration with the banks, investors, insurers and impact funds active in the F@B Community and/or as Pledge signatories.

The Guide builds on the series of reports titled Assessment of biodiversity measurement approaches, developed by the Methods Workstream of the EU B@B Platform. The report series is geared to both companies and financial institutions and provides detailed guidance on the various approaches to measuring biodiversity and metrics selection. This finance Guide is a comprehensive summary of the information most relevant to financial institutions in the latest Update Report 3 in the series. It offers a starting point for financial institutions interested in measuring biodiversity.

The Guide will be presented at a webinar on 1 April 2021 from 14:00-15:00 CET. To register please fill out this form.

Download the Guide on biodiversity measurement approaches

Read more about the EU Finance@Biodiversity Community

Read more about the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge