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EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Wildlife and Agricultural Production


date:  03/12/2020

The second meeting of the “EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Wildlife and Agricultural Production” took place on 13 and 14 October 2020. The EIP-AGRI Focus Groups are temporary groups of selected experts focusing on a specific subject, sharing knowledge and experience. CIC and Callisto from the Platform Secretariat are represented on the EIP-AGRI group.

At the second meeting, which was held as a video conference, group members presented mini papers developed on subjects such as “Effective instruments to reduce conflicts between farming and wildlife”, or “Managing human-wildlife relationship under a territorial framework”. These papers will be discussed and finalized before disseminating them through EIP-AGRI networks. One example of concrete action from the group is the Italian Operational Group ULTRAREP which is working on innovative ultrasonic technology to protect crops from ungulates, in a sustainable way, while not harming the animals.