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Audrey Nugent, World Green Building Council

Each month Josefina Lindblom, DG ENV’s lead on the Level(s) initiative and member of the Sustainable Production, Products and Consumption Unit, talks to someone who really understand Level(s) and the benefits adopting the framework has for building professionals and occupants. This month she talked to Audrey Nugent, Head of Advocacy at the World Green Building Council. Green Building Councils (GBCs) bring together businesses and other organisations active in the building and construction industry to work on greening buildings nationally and globally. They started their conversation talking about the involvement of the Green Building Councils in Level(s).

date:  20/03/2020

Josefina:  From your experience with this tool so far, how do you see Level(s)?

Audrey: In my view, the key thing about Level(s) is that it’s designed to give stakeholders across the value chain a ‘common language’ of sustainability. Plus the fact that Level(s) can be used as a decision-making tool to drive better performance of buildings and take action on the total impact of our sector. By focussing on real performance criteria, it can help the sector to deliver zero carbon emissions, zero waste and better indoor air quality.

Our network believes that Level(s) should have a central role in forthcoming EU policy and ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), we co-signed a letter with over 60 organisations calling on the European Commission to ensure that ‘Level(s)’ framework plays a central role in future buildings policy.

We were therefore pleased to see that the CEAP promises a Strategy for a Sustainable Built Environment which will use Level(s) as a basis to integrate life cycle assessment in public procurement, the EU sustainable finance framework and explore the appropriateness of setting carbon reduction targets.

Josefina: Yes, this is indeed what we will be working on/towards. What about the implementation of life cycle thinking, on the ground?

Audrey: That’s where our network of Green Building Councils comes in! Green Building Councils have been working with the European Commission on the development of Level(s) for the last seven years. As Level(s) moves from theory to practice, the knowledge and expertise of GBCs becomes even more important.

Eight GBCs in our network have recently embarked on a three year project ( under the LIFE programme to understand how Level(s) can be integrated nationally. This project will see GBCs in eight countries work with their governments and industry stakeholders to explore how the key Level(s) indicators on whole life carbon, circularity and indoor air quality can be practically implemented on a pan-European scale.

Josefina: Which GBCs are participating in the project?

Audrey: There are GBCs participating from eight countries: Green Building Council España, Croatia GBC, Dutch GBC, Alliance HQE-GBC (France), GBC Finland, GBC Italia, German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) and Irish GBC.

Josefina: Many of these GBCs have indeed contributed a lot during the development of Level(s) and it is great to see this continuous engagement. Can you explain the aim, more precisely?

It is about creating the infrastructure required to mainstream Level(s). The project will achieve this by splitting into four key pillars of work, including:

  • Certification - Europe’s leading green building certification schemes will align with Level(s) to provide more comparable data on the environmental performance of buildings;
  • Data - Supporting the collection of information on the environmental and health impact of construction products;
  • Procurement - Working with cities and public authorities to align indicators on whole life carbon, circularity and indoor air quality into procurement standards;
  • Training - Building the capacity of product manufacturers and public authorities to understand and apply the indicators.

Josefina:  These are indeed key points that you are tackling. One last question…is the world ready for Level(s)?

Audrey: Delivering on the Level(s) promise requires transformational new policies that enable the building sector to tackle its total carbon impact. But, I’m absolutely sure that Level(s) will provide a solid foundation for such policies at both the national and European level, demonstrating that our sector is ready to respond to the climate emergency.

As a final comment, I would like to add that the project has kicked off at a highly strategic time in Europe as a new European Commission takes office, promising climate neutrality and a Green Deal for Europe.

Josefina: Thanks a lot for your time, Audrey, and your insights. And the best of luck with the project, which we will follow closely!

Audrey: You’re welcome Josefina, and all the best for the Level(s) launch.


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