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Regional workshop Harghita County, Romania: Coexistence between people and large carnivores: Presentation of regional platform agreed actions


date:  17/12/2019

The Harghita Platform was established in 2018 as part of a regional platform pilot project funded by the European Institutions. After engaging in an intensive facilitated, participative process involving six workshops over a period of around so many months, the members have succeeded in agreeing a range of joint actions. The actions agreed on by Harghita platform include measures concerning intervention and population regulation quotas, research on bear population involving hunting associations in the field, communication and education (related to spreading correct information and tourism), as well as the management of damages.

During the workshop, participants discussed the approach of stakeholder platforms as tool adaptable for local needs as well as the local situation and international examples regarding the involvement of hunting organisations in bear management, damage prevention systems and the control of recreational and tourism activities. The resulting workshop statement highlights the importance of dialogue between the stakeholders involved as well as the need improve decision-making responsibilities and empower local and regional authorities.