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Update on regional platforms and local platforms on large carnivores


date:  17/12/2019

The EU Platform aims to engage with similar regional groupings which focus on conflict around large carnivore presence in different areas in the EU. The two EU-funded projects on the establishment of regional platforms on people and large carnivores work together with stakeholders to discuss issues around large carnivore coexistence on the national, regional or local context. Three regional platforms have been established in Italy, Romania and Spain, while three further platforms are being established in Germany, France and Sweden.

In Grosseto, Italy, six interactive workshops were held and joint actions have been agreed and are currently being implemented. These include a communication plan to raise awareness about the collaboration and access to support for livestock keepers in the area and a joint effort from different sectors to collect data on wolf presence in the province.
In Harghita, Romania, six platform meetings have taken place, also resulting in a list of prioritised actions. The platform is currently discussing which actions might be implemented.
In Avila, Castile and Leon, Spain six meetings have been held and a list of actions is near completion.
In Lüneburg Heath, Lower Saxony, Germany, two meetings have been held at the beginning of November and early December.