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date:  17/12/2019

Over the course of 2019, the EU Platform has continued its work with the regional platforms in different member states. This collaboration allows the groupings of stakeholders on the EU level and on the regional level to learn from one another, from the processes followed and the actions decided upon. Following a joint-workshop with the Grosseto Platform in Italy in May, we organised a second joint EU-regional platform meeting with the Harghita Platform in Romania. The situation in Harghita was very different from Grosseto. While in Grosseto, the main impacts discussed were those on livestock farming, the Harghita platform has examined how the growing bear population can be managed decreasing conflicts between humans and bears. Bears entering villages or being hit on the roads are becoming an increasing problem and present a direct danger to people. However, the Platform collaboration has shown that solutions do exist and can be implemented with the agreement of a range of different interest groups. The involvement of all relevant policy levels is however a prerequisite.

With the new European Commission in place and plans for the new Common Agricultural Policy and discussions around the EU Biodiversity Strategy after 2020 proposed as part of the New Green Deal, the EU large carnivore platform is looking forward to an interesting 2020. Our collaboration with a range of different stakeholders in many different locations across the EU will continue with our first regional workshop in Austria planned for January, where we will discuss how livestock can be protected against large carnivores in the challenging Alpine environment. We therefore look forward to a busy year. I would like to use this opportunity to wish all our readers all the best for 2020.

Jurgen Tack
Scientific Director of the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO)
Co-chair of the EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores