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Regional workshop Florence, Italy: Coexistence between people and large carnivores: Presentation regional platform agreed actions


date:  18/06/2019

The Grosseto Platform was established in 2018 as part of a regional platform pilot project funded by the European Institutions. After engaging in an intensive facilitated, participative process involving six workshops over a period of around so many months, the members have succeeded in agreeing a range of joint actions to support livestock producers living within the wolf range which were presented during a regional workshop in collaboration with the EU Platform.

The around 30 participants representing livestock breeding industry, conservation and animal welfare interests as well as local authorities managed to reach agreement on which actions were highest priority for improving coexistence between livestock management and wolf presence. The agreed joint actions address different aspects of the issues related to large carnivores: 1) incentives to improve extensive livestock management conditions, 2) promotion of knowledge and effectiveness in prevention, 3) monitoring of population characteristics, 4) communication on large carnivores and agricultural activities. The EU Platform expressed their support of the process and the actions agreed in a statement agreed at their plenary meeting.