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Regional platforms on coexistence between people and large carnivores


date:  04/12/2018

ContactSecretariat of the EU Large Carnivo...

The EU Platform aims to engage with similar regional groupings which focus on conflict around large carnivore presence in different areas in the EU. A EU-funded project establishing platforms in three member states began in January 2018.  

The pilot project on the establishment of regional platforms on people and large carnivores works together with stakeholders to discuss issues around large carnivore coexistence on the national, regional or local context. The process for establishing regional platforms has begun in three Member States.

In Grosseto, Italy, two interactive workshops with around 30 participants representing livestock breeding industry, conservation and animal welfare interests as well as local authorites were held in September and November 2018. The membership of the platform and its mission have been the main focus of the first discussions. In Romania, three fact-finding missions have been carried out with the aim of understanding the current situation and discussing where the platform should be located. A first platform meeting in Harghita County is planned for January 2019. In Avila, Castille y Leon, Spain two fact-finding missions, involving interviews with multiple stakeholders and the authorities, have focussed on understanding the situation and discussing what the main purpose of the platform will be. Full reports describing each of the meetings and missions so far and listing interviewees and participants, are available on the platforms webpage.