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date:  27/07/2018

The EU Platform on coexistence between people and large carnivores was established in 2014 and has proved a useful way for stakeholders to exchange information on the EU level and to discuss how different member states deal with large carnivore management. This process has highlighted, that good examples of coexistence exist and can be transferred to new settings. However, it has also highlighted the variation in the situations across the different member states and how the conflicts vary for example, depending on the socio-economic activities in the areas which large carnivores are returning to and the biogeographic and natural conditions.

In many EU member states, the populations of wolf are increasing and the wolf is also further spreading in the EU with e.g. first observations in Belgium (both in Flanders and Wallonia). The Flemish Government made use of the EU Platform’s products as input to a draft wolf management plan for the region. This demonstrates the role the EU Platform on coexistence between people and large carnivores can play long before there is a coexistence problem. It also shows how essential it is to engage with those interested in and affected by large carnivores in every region where there are conflicts or the potential for future conflict.

This is why the EU Platform is following with great interest, the development of regional large carnivore platforms in different member states and exchanging information with them through joint meetings and collaborations. At our plenary meeting in May, we started discussions with the Campo Grande Platform in Spain, presenting an interesting approach to improving collaboration on a national level with different interest groups, willing to discuss together. The EU Platform was also instrumental in the establishment of a further European Commission contract, financed by the European Parliament, which aims to establish regional platforms in Romania, Italy and Spain. The EU Platform will be following the process closely and exchanging information regularly with the regional Platform members.

Jurgen Tack

Scientific Director of the European Landowners' Organization
Co-chair of the EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores