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Measuring sustainable development in the European Union: indicators on the EU Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS), Europe 2020 Strategy and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Measuring sustainable development in the European Union: indicators on the EU Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS), Europe 2020 Strategy and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

date:  29/06/2016

Sustainable development involves the pursuit of progress across economic, environmental and social dimensions. At European and global level, initiatives for sustainable development are combined with the development of indicator frameworks to track progress towards established goals. The European Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) and the Europe 2020 Strategy have functioning frameworks for monitoring progress towards a number of targets related to sustainable development and smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In September 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the related Sustainable Development Goals, for which an indicator framework is currently under development.

EU Sustainable Development Strategy
Europe 2020 Strategy
UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Adopted in 2001, renewed in 2006 and 2009
Adopted in 2010 with a vision up to and in 2020
Adopted in 2015, with a vision up to 2030
Objectives and targets in 10 thematic areas
5 headline targets
169 targets related to 17 Sustainable Development Goals
More than 130 indicators, including 10 headline indicators
9 headline indicators
225 proposed indicators at global level, adopted by UNSC in March 2016 (indicators set expected to be adopted by UN General Assembly in September 2016)
Responsible statistical body
Eurostat, European Commission
Eurostat, European Commission
United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC)