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Introducing the latest recipients of START technical assistance

Following an open call for coal, peat, lignite and oil shale regions (‘coal+ regions’), four applications have been selected to receive technical assistance from the Initiative for Coal Regions in Transition’s START programme. This third round of START support will run from the spring of this year into early 2025.

date:  28/03/2024

Following a third call for coal, peat, lignite and oil shale regions (‘coal+ regions’), four applications have been selected to receive technical assistance from the Initiative for Coal Regions in Transition’s START programme, during the period Q2 2024 to Q1 2025. These regions span four EU Member States and encompass an assortment of transition actors, including regional and county authorities, local development bodies and an energy association, which are engaged in the phase-out of coal and lignite and the introduction of new green energy sources and activities.

The four selected regions are:

      Asturias, Spain

      Gorj, Romania

      Lower Silesia (Świdnica), Poland

      Zasavje, Slovenia

Thirteen applications were received under the most recent START call, which closed in February 2024, from a range of organisations that strengthen and work towards just transition in EU coal, lignite, peat and oil shale (coal+) regions. The continued interest from EU regions in receiving assistance via START signals the benefits derived not only from direct tailored guidance on the ground, but also from the wide range of freely available knowledge resources accumulated over previous START rounds that can inspire and inform other regions wishing to implement a just transition.

This latest round of START support will address themes such as local energy communities, renewable energy and diversification, and governance and capacity development. Importantly, START technical assistance will capitalise on and generate opportunities to work in lockstep with, and thus complement, other European Commission and European Investment Bank instruments.

As always, lessons and outputs of the technical assistance will be shared with the broader community of coal+ regions in transition through the Initiative’s website, newsletter, and at events like the upcoming Annual Political Dialogue (11-12 July).

The Secretariat looks forward to the upcoming period of technical assistance delivery!