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Explore: Urban Reverb - Living in an Island Age

In this episode, we introduce the EU islands secretariat and discuss the similarities between the decarbonisation efforts of small and mid-sized cities and those of islands. We explore whether islands can serve as models for the decarbonisation of towns.

Explore: Solution Booklet ICT Infrastructure Management

As cities aspire to become more digitised, automated, and smart, local governments must consider the readiness of their telecom infrastructure and network architecture to meet these future challenges. This booklet explores critical topics related to building a consistent, sustainable, and reliable smart city infrastructure.

EUR 27 Weekly oil bulletin n° 2211, prices at 08/07/2024 - Bulletin pétrolier hebdomadaire EUR 27 n° 2211 prix au 08/07/2024 - EUR 27 Wochentliche oil bulletin n° 2211, preise am 08/07/2024

DUE TO RUSSIAN AGGRESSION ON UKRAINE (WHICH BEGUN ON 24.02.2022), ALL INTERNATIONAL ENERGY PRICES WENT UP TO A NEW LEVEL. Prices for Euro 95, diesel, heating oil, and LPG increased a bit accross the board due to seasonal demand despite the easing of the situation in the Near East. Due to pending change of the methodology, Bulgaria is ceasing the reporting on the price for heating oil until further notice. Czechia increased subsidies for heating oil since 01.08.2023. Ireland increased excise taxes from 01.09.2023. Slovenia has new excise duty for Euro 95, diesel and heating oil valid from 10.10.2023. Ireland increased carbon tax on Euro 95 and diesel from 11 October 2023. Cyprus increased excises on Euro 95 and diesel from 1.11.2023. NEW 2024 changes since 1.1.2024 are the following: Germany increased other indirect taxes (CO2 part) for Euro 95 and diesel, LPG and heating oil; Hungary increased excise taxes and lowered other indirect taxes for Euro 95, diesel and heating oil; Denmark increased excises on Euro 95, diesel, heating oil and fuel oil; Luxembourg increased excises for Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Poland increased excise taxes for Euro 95, diesel and LPG; Sweden lowered excises on Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Austria increased other indirect taxes for Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Romania increased excises on Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil. Slovenia: new excise duty for Euro super 95, Automotive gas oil and Heating gas oil in force from 12.3.2024. Cyprus: new excise duty for Euro super 95 and Automotive gas oil from 01.04.2024. Ireland: new excise duty for Heating oil from 01.05.2024. Prices for Bulgaria updated. Austria increased other indirect taxes for other indirect taxes for Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil from 01.07.2024. Romania increased excise taxes for Euro 95 and diesel from 01.07.2024. NEW: PLEASE FIND ATTACHED XLS FILES ON PRICES WITH TAX, PRICES WITHOUT TAX AND HISTORIC PRICES UPDATE

EUR 27 Weekly oil bulletin n° 2210, prices at 01/07/2024 - Bulletin pétrolier hebdomadaire EUR 27 n° 2210 prix au 01/07/2024 - EUR 27 Wochentliche oil bulletin n° 2210, preise am 01/07/2024

DUE TO RUSSIAN AGGRESSION ON UKRAINE (WHICH BEGUN ON 24.02.2022), ALL INTERNATIONAL ENERGY PRICES WENT UP TO A NEW LEVEL. Prices for Euro 95, diesel, heating oil, and LPG eased down accross the board due to easing of the situation in the Near East. Due to pending change of the methodology, Bulgaria is ceasing the reporting on the price for heating oil until further notice. Czechia increased subsidies for heating oil since 01.08.2023. Ireland increased excise taxes from 01.09.2023. Slovenia has new excise duty for Euro 95, diesel and heating oil valid from 10.10.2023. Ireland increased carbon tax on Euro 95 and diesel from 11 October 2023. Cyprus increased excises on Euro 95 and diesel from 1.11.2023. NEW 2024 changes since 1.1.2024 are the following: Germany increased other indirect taxes (CO2 part) for Euro 95 and diesel, LPG and heating oil; Hungary increased excise taxes and lowered other indirect taxes for Euro 95, diesel and heating oil; Denmark increased excises on Euro 95, diesel, heating oil and fuel oil; Luxembourg increased excises for Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Poland increased excise taxes for Euro 95, diesel and LPG; Sweden lowered excises on Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Austria increased other indirect taxes for Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Romania increased excises on Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil. Slovenia: new excise duty for Euro super 95, Automotive gas oil and Heating gas oil in force from 12.3.2024. Cyprus: new excise duty for Euro super 95 and Automotive gas oil from 01.04.2024. Ireland: new excise duty for Heating oil from 01.05.2024. Prices for Bulgaria updated. Austria increased other indirect taxes for other indirect taxes for Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil from 01.07.2024. NEW: PLEASE FIND ATTACHED XLS FILES ON PRICES WITH TAX, PRICES WITHOUT TAX AND HISTORIC PRICES UPDATE

EUR 27 Weekly oil bulletin n° 2209, prices at 24/06/2024 - Bulletin pétrolier hebdomadaire EUR 27 n° 2209 prix au 24/06/2024 - EUR 27 Wochentliche oil bulletin n° 2209, preise am 24/06/2024

DUE TO RUSSIAN AGGRESSION ON UKRAINE (WHICH BEGUN ON 24.02.2022), ALL INTERNATIONAL ENERGY PRICES WENT UP TO A NEW LEVEL. Prices for Euro 95, diesel, heating oil, and LPG eased down accross the board due to easing of the situation in the Near East. Due to pending change of the methodology, Bulgaria is ceasing the reporting on the price for heating oil until further notice. Czechia increased subsidies for heating oil since 01.08.2023. Ireland increased excise taxes from 01.09.2023. Slovenia has new excise duty for Euro 95, diesel and heating oil valid from 10.10.2023. Ireland increased carbon tax on Euro 95 and diesel from 11 October 2023. Cyprus increased excises on Euro 95 and diesel from 1.11.2023. NEW 2024 changes since 1.1.2024 are the following: Germany increased other indirect taxes (CO2 part) for Euro 95 and diesel, LPG and heating oil; Hungary increased excise taxes and lowered other indirect taxes for Euro 95, diesel and heating oil; Denmark increased excises on Euro 95, diesel, heating oil and fuel oil; Luxembourg increased excises for Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Poland increased excise taxes for Euro 95, diesel and LPG; Sweden lowered excises on Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Austria increased other indirect taxes for Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Romania increased excises on Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil. Slovenia: new excise duty for Euro super 95, Automotive gas oil and Heating gas oil in force from 12.3.2024. Cyprus: new excise duty for Euro super 95 and Automotive gas oil from 01.04.2024. Ireland: new excise duty for Heating oil from 01.05.2024. Prices for Bulgaria updated. NEW: PLEASE FIND ATTACHED XLS FILES ON PRICES WITH TAX, PRICES WITHOUT TAX AND HISTORIC PRICES UPDATE

Summary report: ID-E Webinar #6: Net-Zero Industry Act

Friday, 7 June 2024. The ID-E’s Webinar Series #6 provided an overview on the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA), one of the key legislations reshaping the landscape for clean energy investments within the European Commission's Green Deal Industrial Plan.

The Loss of an Outstanding Community Leader

The Bere Island and the entire EU islands community are mourning the loss of a beloved and integral member, John Walsh. John was a dedicated islander and a passionate advocate for island communities across Europe.

A new Green Skills toolkit is available

The Initiative for coal regions in transition has developed this resource to assist practitioners in coal+ regions across Europe. The aim of the toolkit is to help stakeholders to address the upskilling and reskilling needs of workers in the context of the green economy. It explores what constitutes a green job and the concept of green skills, examines the types of green skills that are likely to be needed in the future, and investigates how to plan for them. It explores the kinds of strategies that could be put into place and who should be involved in planning, directly linking to the European Green Deal and the European Pillar of Social Rights. Click the button to read the full report. By the way, if you are interested to learn more about the topic, sign up for the Annual Political Dialogue!

Register by 10 July to attend the APD online

The 2024 Annual Political Dialogue, taking place in Velenje, Slovenia, is just around the corner! Cannot make it to Velenje? No problem! You can join us online and watch the sessions via livestream. Registration closes 10 July so don't miss out - sign up via the button now!

Spotlight on START: supporting older workers in mining regions

The energy transition is gathering speed all over the European Union. The shift away from fossil fuels, while crucial for a sustainable future, has major social and economic implications for affected coal, peat, lignite, and oil shale territories - coal+ regions - and the communities living and working in them. To help tackle and design tailored solutions to context-specific challenges arising from transition action, the European Commission’s Initiative for coal regions in transition has been delivering technical assistance to selected recipients through its START facility.