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EUR 27 Weekly oil bulletin n° 2205, prices at 27/05/2024 - Bulletin pétrolier hebdomadaire EUR 27 n° 2205 prix au 27/05/2024 - EUR 27 Wochentliche oil bulletin n° 2205, preise am 27/05/2024

DUE TO RUSSIAN AGGRESSION ON UKRAINE (WHICH BEGUN ON 24.02.2022), ALL INTERNATIONAL ENERGY PRICES WENT UP TO A NEW LEVEL. Prices for Euro 95, diesel, heating oil, and LPG eased down accross the board due to easing of the situation in the Near East. Due to pending change of the methodology, Bulgaria is ceasing the reporting on the price for heating oil until further notice. Czechia increased subsidies for heating oil since 01.08.2023. Ireland increased excise taxes from 01.09.2023. Slovenia has new excise duty for Euro 95, diesel and heating oil valid from 10.10.2023. Ireland increased carbon tax on Euro 95 and diesel from 11 October 2023. Cyprus increased excises on Euro 95 and diesel from 1.11.2023. NEW 2024 changes since 1.1.2024 are the following: Germany increased other indirect taxes (CO2 part) for Euro 95 and diesel, LPG and heating oil; Hungary increased excise taxes and lowered other indirect taxes for Euro 95, diesel and heating oil; Denmark increased excises on Euro 95, diesel, heating oil and fuel oil; Luxembourg increased excises for Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Poland increased excise taxes for Euro 95, diesel and LPG; Sweden lowered excises on Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Austria increased other indirect taxes for Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Romania increased excises on Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil. Slovenia: new excise duty for Euro super 95, Automotive gas oil and Heating gas oil in force from 12.3.2024. Cyprus: new excise duty for Euro super 95 and Automotive gas oil from 01.04.2024. Ireland: new excise duty for Heating oil from 01.05.2024. NEW: PLEASE FIND ATTACHED XLS FILES ON PRICES WITH TAX, PRICES WITHOUT TAX AND HISTORIC PRICES UPDATE

Explore: Green Cities Wiki

A comprehensive resource for initiatives, practical knowledge and insights on creating sustainable, inclusive, and climate-neutral cities. If you have any suggestions for additional content and/or improvements to what is here right now, do send a message to: knowledgemanagement@ and the Smart Cities Marketplace team will review your suggestions.

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