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What to look out for in 2024....

Citizen-led renovation project

The support service for Citizen-led renovation is an EU initiative aiming to empower energy communities to put citizens in the driver’s seat for energy-saving renovation projects.

date:  14/03/2024

Its goal is to help citizen-led renovation projects overcome financial, legal, technical, and informational barriers and deliver future-proof residential buildings. You can find out more about the initiative here Home - European Commission (

Energy Communities Facility

A ‘European Energy Communities Facility’ will be set up and run to deliver financial support to third parties and appropriate support services for the early stages of energy community projects in the EU.  This support is designed to reduce the risk of the pre-development phase and thereby create a bridge between the project idea and the launch of the community investment.  The Facility will take forward the work of the European Energy Communities Repository and the Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub (RECAH) and further develop some of their key outputs by effectively sharing best practices across regions and creating peer support opportunities.

The European Energy Communities Facility will offer support services, including financial support to third parties, to develop business plans to grow and implement sustainable energy community projects (e.g., energy efficiency, heating and cooling, renewable energy production and use, electro-mobility).

Communities for Climate

Communities for Climate will support 50 local projects focusing on regenerating biodiversity, water management, circular economies, or renewable energy. Selected communities will receive specialised expertise, peer-learning opportunities, and guidance to make their projects impactful and visible.

The initiative emphasises the importance of place-based solutions, with projects located in the eleven eligible EU countries: Croatia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain, and Sweden. Cross-border collaborations (i.e. between border regions) to tackle climate issues will be encouraged.