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Message to our readers

This is the Repository's final newsletter

date:  09/01/2024

Dear readers,

First of all, we wish you a happy and healthy 2024!

A new year begins, and a project comes to a close - this is the final newsletter you will receive from the Energy Communities Repository this year. It is however by no means the end of the work on energy communities in the EU; a great number of EU-funded, national and local projects and initiatives are continuing the important work of empowering local actors for the energy transition through energy communities. The European Commission also remains committed to supporting these efforts; later this year, an Energy Communities Facility will be set up to provide lump-sum grants and other activities for the development of energy community business plans.

In this newsletter, you will findĀ the latest releases from the Energy Communities Repository, and theĀ key outputs from the project.

We hope our work has helped you advance your work over the last two years, and we would like to thank you for all the fruitful exchanges and interactions we had with energy communities, regulators, policy-makers and other key stakeholders.

We look forward to continuing the joint work on empowering energy communities through different channels in the coming years!

Best regards,

The Energy Communities Repository team