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Next Equality Platform meeting – save the date: 16 May 2024

Save the date for the 5th Equality Platform meeting, which will take place on 16th May 2024, in the morning, in Florence, Italy. The Florence School of Regulation, one of the members of the Equality Platform, will offer its beautiful premises in Fiesole to host our discussions.

date:  15/12/2023

You are also invited to join the LUCE Awards ceremony, organised by the Lights on Women initiative at the Florence School of Regulation. The Awards, created to champion women’s pivotal roles in the Green Transition, will take place in the afternoon of 16th May. You can read more and register on the event page, which will keep being updated with more information. 

We hope to have as many of you as possible attending the Equality Platform meeting in person. As the meeting is scheduled in the morning, we would suggest the following hotels that are located close to the Florence train station – Santa Maria Novella, with direct connections to the airport and to the event premises: 

 Depending on the number of members present, we would be happy to organise a welcome dinner on 15th May in the evening. Please let us know by 31st January whether you plan to join (in person or online) using the following e-mail address:

More details about the event will come soon.