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Energy Community Just Transition Forum

On Thursday, 4th of October, the Energy Community Secretariat hosted the Just Transition Forum in Skopje.

date:  06/11/2023

Fighting climate change is at the top of the political agenda of the Energy Community. Decarbonization ambitions materialised through the establishment of 2030 climate and energy targets for the Energy Community and its Contracting Parties. Focus is now put on the implementation of the Clean Energy Package, together with integrated national and climate plans.

Moreover, the newly adopted EU Regulation on carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), and the necessary decision to be taken by the Contracting Parties on an EU aligned carbon pricing, will inevitably further anchor just transition in the policy discourse. This applies to the discussion on instruments needed to achieve the green transition while protecting the most vulnerable.

Against this background, the Forum concentrated on tackling key aspects of just transition. The Just Transition Forum constitutes an invitation to a dialogue in all these areas with different stakeholders from the national and local governments, IFIs, representatives of trade unions NGOs, Academia. For more information, visit the Energy Community website.