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SRI test phase in EU countries (March 2022 Update)

The SRI is currently being officially tested in 4 EU countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark and France. Other Member States are encouraged to join the move and test the SRI on their territories. In each of the 4 front-running countries, the national administration is supported by one or several local technical partners and by the SRI Support Team.

date:  22/03/2022

🇦🇹 Austria

The Austrian test phase is led by the Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering (OIB) and the Austrian Climate Ministry (BMK), with the involvement of AEE Intec and of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) who are conducting the assessments. The focus of the test phase is to benchmark the SRI methodology against other methods developed in Austria with a focus on energy flexibility. A large number of different building typologies are examined and assessed on the basis of detailed documented buildings from Austrian regions or the federal government. 

➜ The SRI Support Team has provided Austria with support material in German (SRI calculation sheet, practical guide, training slide deck).

🇨🇿 Czech Republic

The Czech test phase is led by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO), with support from the Department of Environmental and Building Services Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). During the test phase the common SRI methodology is applied, and depending on the sensitivity of the results, some adaptations may be undertaken in a later phase. SRI evaluations are conducted by the team of the University. The test phase should last around one year.

➜ The SRI Support Team has provided Czech Republic with some communication and technical material, and is supporting the recruitment of buildings to be assessed.

🇩🇰 Denmark

The Danish test phase is led by the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) in cooperation with the Danish Technological Institute (DTI). The purpose is to investigate potentials and opportunities for the SRI in a Danish context. Assessors from DTI will conduct the SRI assessment for 25-30 buildings, including offices, dwellings, multi-familiy homes, educational institutions – old and new, and with different energy supplies. 

➜ The SRI Support Team has provided Denmark with an ad-hoc tool to generate SRI certificates from the SRI calculation sheet.

🇫🇷 France

The French test phase is led by the Ministry for Ecological Transition with the support of CEREMA. SRI assessments are going to be conducted by independent third parties: EPC assessors are going to be recruited and trained for that purpose by CEREMA, who will in turn deliver formal SRI certificates. The target is to assess at least 30 buildings as a first step. 

âžœ The SRI Support Team has supported France in adapting the SRI assessment package and the SRI training slide deck to the French context; and has provided a tailored and automated certificate template enabling CEREMA to easily generate SRI certificates, and a tailored online validation questionnaire to check external assessors’ capacity to conduct SRI assessments.