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The new EU Bulding Stock Observatory

What's new and better?

date:  14/12/2023

New, more reliable data 

Drawing from the latest and most reliable available data sources, Eurostat, National statistics offices in Member States, and the Horizon Europe Hotmaps project, the new BSO enables consistency when comparing diverse scenarios across various models, covering the years 2016 to 2020.

The data covers the fundamentals required for any building stock analysis*: 

  • Number of buildings per country  

  • Number of buildings for residential and non-residential) 

  • Surface rate of constructed floor area 

  • Renovation rate 

  • Total final energy consumption  

New indicators and an easy-to-navigate structure


*The plain datasets can also be downloaded 


Better data visualisations

The new BSO provides easily understandable and interactive charts that transfer data into knowledge in a nutshell. 

Try the Building Stock Observatory now!