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LIFE Clean Energy Transition projects' updates

Four LIFE Clean Energy Transition projects (easySRI, Smart Square, SRI-ENACT and SRI2MARKET) have formed a cluster which gathers 42 partners from 16 countries. They are all contributing to support the implementation and successful market uptake of the SRI.

date:  23/10/2023


Below is a flash update of what’s happening in each of them : 

  • Smart Square released a FAQ answering common questions about the SRI. It is accessible here.

  • SRI2MARKET is running stakeholders consultation activities to gather feedback from assessors, building owners and the industry to fine-tune the SRI to specific national contexts (Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Portugal, Spain). If you are interested to be involved in these consultations, you can contact Pablo Carnero Melero from REHVA.

  • SRI-ENACT completed the first wave of national co-creation workshops for tailoring the SRI methodology in eight pilot countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Latvia, Romania, Spain). More information can be found here.

  • EasySRI released a brochure which presents the framework architecture that will be implemented in the project to support demonstrating the potential of the SRI. There is more information and additional results in the latest newsletter of the project.