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New SRI factsheet released

To get a deeper understanding of how the SRI works for each building technical domain, we invite you to give a look at the 'SRI-explained' factsheets.

date:  21/12/2022

The factsheet related to the Heating technical domain has just been released. The energy used for heating and cooling in buildings and industry accounts for 50% of the EU's annual energy consumption. By making the sector smarter, more efficient and sustainable, energy imports and dependency will fall, costs will be cut, and emissions will be reduced.

Smart  heating  control  systems can act for instance  on  temperature  set  points  and  schedules.  Some advanced systems implement algorithms and artificial intelligence to learn from user habits. They interact with  other  parameters such as  windows  openings  and  room occupancy to minimise energy waste.

All SRI factsheets as well as additional resources are available on the SRI Implementation tools web page.