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Welcome to the SRI December 2022 update

With 6 Member States now engaged in official test phases, and additional ones to engage soon, 2022 has been a busy year for the Smart Readiness Indicator ! The SRI support team already recorded more than 430 requests to receive the SRI assessment package, as well as numerous technical questions and comments which demonstrate the growing interest for this common EU scheme for rating the smart readiness of buildings.

date:  21/12/2022

In this newsletter edition, you will find : 

  • an opportunity to watch again the 2nd SRI platform plenary meeting;
  • a new SRI factsheet released;
  • some of the key findings from the SRI certificates design online survey.

We invite you to give a look at the SRI website which has been reorganised for a better user experience: it gives you access to the basics to understand what is the SRI, an overview of the SRI ongoing test phases, stakeholders events and news, some of the most frequently asked questions about the indicator, as well as links to useful implementation tools.

We always welcome your comments and questions (contact us at, and we also take the opportunity of this newsletter to wish you all a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year.