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Agenda of the 2nd plenary SRI platform meeting

🗓️ When: 23 November 2022, from 09.30 to 12.00 (CET), online

date:  11/10/2022

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The SRI platform serves to promote and support the testing and implementation of the SRI. It gathers Member States and all stakeholders interested in the SRI to facilitate interaction and discussion on technical, regulatory and implementation aspects of the SRI.


We are pleased to introduce the agenda of this second SRI platform plenary meeting:

09:30 CET - Start of the meeting
➡️ Welcoming words, brief introduction to the SRI platform | Stijn Verbeke, SRI support team, VITO
➡️ The SRI in EU policy and the EPBD recast proposal | Stefan Moser, European Commission, DG ENER
➡️ Past and upcoming activities of the SRI support team | Stijn Verbeke, SRI support team, VITO
➡️ LIFE Clean Energy Transition projects: a presentation of the granted LIFE projects related to smart readiness of buildings |  Sylvain Robert, European Commission, CINEA
➡️ The SRI test phase: what is in the legal acts, and how the SRI can be configured | Sophie Dourlens, SRI support team, R2M Solution
➡️ An update from the SRI Platform Working Groups | Working group chairs
(WG1: Member States SRI test phase; WG2: Maintenance & potential extension of the SRI calculation methodology; WG3: SRI value proposition and supporting measures) 
➡️ Questions & Answers | moderated by Régis Decorme, SRI Support team, R2M Solution
➡️ Closing remarks | Brigitte Jacquemont, European Commission, DG ENER
12:00 CET - End of the meeting

We hope to welcome you soon on this event !

The SRI Support team.