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SRI Platform: Launching of the Working Groups and Next steps

❇️ SRI Working Group compositions

date:  22/03/2022

The call for application of membership for the SRI Platform Working Groups closed at the end of January and was answered with an abundance of requests for memberships. The consortium is pleased to observe this amount of interest and drive to get engaged in the SRI Platform working groups from a broad range of stakeholders. This allowed a balanced composition of stakeholder types to be attained in the Working Groups, in line with the targeted “ideal” composition. Unfortunately, membership could not be granted to all applications as the working group positions are limited. All applicants are gratefully acknowledged for their interest in the SRI and their eagerness to get involved in the forward-looking discussions on the SRI. 

Participation to the SRI Platform is open to all and all stakeholders interested are invited to join the plenary sessions of the SRI Platform.

❇️ Next Steps of the SRI Platform

The next steps in the activities of the SRI platform concern the start-up and kick-off of the first Working Group (WG) sessions on the 3 thematic aspects:

  • WG1: Member State SRI test phase;
  • WG2: Maintenance and potential extension of the SRI calculation methodology;
  • WG3: SRI value proposition and supporting measures. 

When organizational aspects - such as setting up a governance structure - are arranged, the Working Group members are invited to jointly define the agenda including a working programme for the upcoming period and organize Working Group meetings on a regular basis for their working group all with assistance of the SRI support team. 

After a successful kick-off of the plenary session of the SRI Platform, we are currently working on organising the second edition of the plenary meeting of the SRI Platform. During this plenary meeting, the agenda (working programme) of the 3 Working Groups will be presented for the upcoming period. A detailed agenda and exact timing will be announced later. 

We hope to see you soon in one or more of the SRI Platform sessions and thank all for their interest in the Smart Readiness Indicator.