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New toolkits to support EU coal regions in transition

The Platform for coal regions in transition has just launched a suite of toolkits to assist practitioners in EU coal regions. The toolkits focus on key aspects of the transition: strategies, governance, employment and welfare support, and environmental rehabilitation. Click the button below to access the toolkits.

date:  28/05/2020

The Platform for coal regions in transition assists EU countries and coal regions tackling the challenges related to the transition to a low carbon economy. This support includes the development of knowledge resources.

We are proud to announce the launch of a first suite of toolkits to assist practitioners in coal regions in Europe.

Transition strategies toolkit

Many stakeholders from coal regions in Europe have expressed the need for a robust regional transition strategy, which can guide their more local choices and actions. The various elements of such a strategy should combine responses to short-term needs with long-term aspirations. They must be coherent concerning to the targets and objectives of the energy transition, reflecting the needs of different stakeholders in the region.

This toolkit gives an overview of key elements of strategy development, from problem analysis to defining objectives and selecting actions, to evaluation and policy adaptation.

Download it here.

Governance of transitions toolkit

Regional transitions away from coal mining and coal-based energy generation are complex, not least because they require effort from multiple actors. Coal regions often span multiple administrative boundaries, and therefore require collaboration amongst areas and levels of government.

This toolkit provides insights on key governance considerations for coal regions that are pursuing the decarbonisation and diversification of their economies. These include: building effective governance models; designing and implementing stakeholder engagement and social dialogue processes; and enhancing the role of civil society in the transition.

Download it here.

Sustainable employment and welfare support toolkit

European coal regions have been facing the challenge of declining jobs in both coal mining and in coal-fired power plants over the last decades. Upcoming closures of mines and power plants are expected to put 160,000 direct jobs at risk. This is a major challenge to the economies in those regions, which strongly depend on coal.

The aim of this toolkit is to provide insights on how to accompany the labour market transition in coal and carbon-intensive regions, focusing on: providing short-term support for workers affected by labour market transition, and on providing medium and longer-term actions that support employment and job creation through regional diversification.

Download it here.

Environmental rehabilitation and repurposing toolkit

Mining regions have always undergone a cycle of prospecting, operation and closure, whether because resources are depleted, or because further mining becomes not economically viable. When mines close, they can leave behind a legacy of environmental degradation alongside many other challenges. Locations formerly used for mining and related industrial activities require environmental rehabilitation, and the repurposing of land and infrastructure may be necessary to make them available for future use.

Environmental rehabilitation and repurposing of former mining assets is an important challenge for coal regions in transition. Although plenty of experience of mine closure management exists, this knowledge can be fragmented and often resides in regions that have already undergone a transition away from mining.

This toolkit shares knowledge and experiences that may be valuable to those regions that are now taking on transition. Furthermore, it provides guidance on environmental rehabilitation and repurposing with an emphasis on governance processes.

Download it here.