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Register for the ESCO V1.2 Launch Event

To mark the launch of the new major version of ESCO, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, in collaboration with the European Training Foundation, is organising a promotion event: "ESCO 1.2: A Global Language for Skills" scheduled for 21 and 22 May 2024. The event will be held via Zoom, also showcasing several testimonials of how ESCO is used within and outside the EU. Do not miss to learn more about the new ESCO version!

European Social Work Conference

This event will highlight the significance of collective action and knowledge sharing in addressing urgent societal challenges, including climate change, migration, and digitalization.

Social innovation for zero long-term unemployment - towards an EU-wide response

This high-level event, with the participation of the European Commissioner for Jobs and Growth Nicolas Schmit, the President and members of the Committee of the Regions, will discuss how to work together at the EU and at local level to tackle long-term unemployment. It will announce new EU funding opportunities, worth EUR 23 million, to support local projects for zero long-term unemployment and job guarantee schemes.

AccessibleEU Bulgaria - Accessible employment

The objective of this event organised by AccessibleEU is to raise awareness on importance of accessibility in the work place and to share requirements, methods and products for accessible employment.

ESCO Member States Working Group - March 2024

In March 2024, a meeting of the ESCO MSWG was held, primarily aimed at updating participants on the latest ESCO developments. The ESCO Secretariat informed the Member States on the developments regarding the next major version, presented the launch event of ESCO v1.2, provided an update on implementation of ESCO in EURES, discussed the state of play of the work on skills clustering and presented the revised framework for measuring the market uptake of ESCO.

Don't miss out AccessibleEU's events across Europe

AccessibleEU has organised a series of events dealing with various accessibility-related topics that will take place in different European countries during the next months. These events are part of the Centre's objectives to disseminate knowledge and raise awareness on the importance of accessibility.

Meet the Champions of Excellence

This event, co-hosted with the European Economic and Social Committee, will highlight the importance of vocational education and training (VET) as a valuable educational and career choice.

ESCO and Andalusian Council of Chambers of Commerce

The ESCO team participated in a workshop on opportunities in the European market for talent acquisition organised by the Andalusian Council of Chambers of Commerce. ESCO delivered a comprehensive overview of the classification, emphasizing its practical application, particularly in the context of EURES for job matching. The focused on the crucial role of skills among young individuals in establishing international careers and improving competitiveness. In this context, ESCO's significance was emphasized, pointing out that its data is freely accessible and available in 28 languages, facilitating smoother matching and career analysis services.

ESCO and International Council of Museums, Italy

The International Council of Museums Italy webinar focused on the role of museum educators, and the ESCO team contributed by providing an introduction to the classification, its stakeholders, use cases, and the continuous improvement process. Emphasizing the significance of feedback received from professionals specialized in specific sectors, the following discussion once again highlighted ESCO's ability to connect those diverse sectors. The event generated interest among participants, fostering a desire to learn more about ESCO and its possible advantages for the museum sector.

ESCO at LLLWeek 2023 Workshop: Validation of competences acquired in the civil society sector

In the context of the LLLWeek the SOLIDAR Foundation & Diesis Network organised a workshop on validation of competences acquired in the civil society sector. The discussion focused on the importance of a shared framework, ESCO's contribution to skills validation and recognition, and the significance of transversal skills for personal development. The event showcased ESCO's integral presence in diverse sectors and its active involvement in civil society discussions.

ESCO at EURES Italy for Employers' Day 2023

EURES Italy for Employers' Day 2023 aimed to address professional needs of Italian companies in various sectors, aligning with the European Year of Skills. The ESCO team introduced its governance structure, design, maintenance process, use cases, and implementers, emphasizing its role within EURES and the introduction of Green and Digital skills labeling. The discussion highlighted how ESCO follows with the emerging labour market trends, emphasizing the introduction of Green and Digital skills labeling to improve the classification system's ability to address evolving skill needs in environmental sustainability and digital transformation.