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ESCO at the PES Network 2023 Stakeholder Conference

This year's PES Network conference "Empowering the Workforce, Bridging the Skills Gap" focused on the rapidly changing skills requirements of the European labour market. The ESCO team participated to exchange ideas and views on how to identify and understand the skills needs of the future labour market, develop skills for digital and green transitions, support those impacted by automation and digitalisation, and move towards more frequent re- and upskilling.

ESCO presented at the Final Conference of the INCREASE project (Innovations and Creative Solutions for Cultural Heritage)

One of the tasks of the INCREAS project was to describe occupations and related skills in the Cultural Heritage Sector, while analyzing sector needs. The ESCO team attended the final conference to discuss this feedback and presented the most recent developments and upcoming updates that may be beneficial to the Cultural Heritage sector, as well as to encourage collaboration to continue.

ESCO Member States Working Group held in person!

After two years of online meetings, the ESCO Member States Working Group met in person on March 15, 2023 in Brussels. The ESCO team discussed the role of data science in the continuous maintenance of ESCO, the recent developments in EURES mapping, and plans for the next major version ESCO update, which will follow policy developments of the European Year of Skills and thus be published in Q1 of 2024.

3rd meeting of Working Group on PES Digitalisation

The third and final meeting of the PES Network Working Group (WG) on Digitalisation will be held in person in Amsterdam (NL) on 9 February 2023. The topic will be defined on the basis of the outcomes of the previous two WG meetings and participant’s needs, thus, would either focus on previously discussed issues or on new ones.

The future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU

The High-Level Group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU will present their concluding report. The expert group examined how to reinforce social protection both at national and European levels to respond to megatrends such as demographic change, the impact of new forms of work, and the digital and green transitions.

PES Network Board meeting

The heads of European Public Employment Services (PES) will come together on 15-16 December for the second PES Network Board meeting of 2022.