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Thematic Learning Dialogue: Norway – Crisis Management

This Thematic Learning Dialogue will focus on the topic of Crisis Management. Participants will exchange on ‘Strategies for organisational resilience’, focusing on potential crises that Public Employment Service (PES) could face.

Access City Award 2023 competition

The annual Access City Award recognises European cities for their efforts to become more accessible for persons with disabilities. Follow the ceremony and learn which city will win the 2023 edition.

Access City Award 2023 competition

The annual Access City Award recognises European cities for their efforts to become more accessible for persons with disabilities. Follow the ceremony and learn which city will win the 2023 edition.

European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022

The European Commission organises this annual conference in partnership with the European Disability Forum. It will bring together more than 400 policy-makers, high-level experts and disability advocates.

European Employment & Social Rights Forum

The first edition of the European Employment and Social Rights Forum will ensure social inclusion is the heart of Europe’s green agenda. As we face up to the rising cost of living and energy supply concerns, join the discussions around what Europe can do to ensure no one is left behind in the push towards a greener Europe.

ESCO, EURES and Europass will be presented in the Learning by Leaving conference in Mallorca

The Spanish networks of Euroguidance, Europass, EURES and Eurodesk organise the Learning by leaving 2022 “Digital nomads in the XXI century” conference in Spain, Palma (Majorca) on 26, 27 and 28 October 2022. The event is aimed at sharing the programs, strategies and resources that the different networks are developing for the acquisition of digital competence in citizens and its impact on labour mobility. ESCO and Europass will be presented in the plenary as well as in various workshops.

EPALE Community Conference 2022

The Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe, is hosting its annual online Community Conference. The 2022 Community Conference wants to highlight the power of imagination and adult learning in shaping an enriching, sustainable, inclusive Europe.

Informal meeting of employment and social affairs ministers (EPSCO)

This informal ministerial meeting will bring together 27 ministers responsible for employment and social policy. The participants will discuss the working topics of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU, especially the impact of energy poverty and the Ukrainian crisis.