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Cities, regions, industry and banks to gather at the Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place

Save the 18-19 January 2017 for our conference to discuss about financing mechanisms to mobilise investments in sustainable energy. Learn from successful schemes implemented at local and regional level. Experts will present available financial products as well as practical challenges to scale them up. A special focus will be given to structuring the market and, in particular to: standardisation, aggregation and de-risking of energy efficiency assets.

Related topics


date:  18/01/2017 - 19/01/2017

This event will feature:

  • Plenary sessions by high-level political representatives on finance for sustainable energy;
  • Panel sessions by financial institutions on practical experiences and project bankability;
  • Parallel sessions on practical solutions and projects implemented by cities, regions and industry across Europe in 4 thematic tracks;
  • Poster sessions of sustainable energy projects with divers technical and financial structures; and
  • Stands of financial institutions.

A full program and practical details will be announced in the coming weeks at the EASME website. We will answer to questions sent by e-mail to:

Call for expression of interest - stand for financial institutions

The event will offer the opportunity for a limited number of financial institutions to participate with a dedicated stand. Organisations with experience in sustainable energy financing, including energy efficiency, in a number of European countries/regions are encouraged to express their interest by filing an online form until 07/12/2016.

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