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Enrich events

As a part of our collaboration with ENRICH, several pitching events took place this year, such as the Funding Summit @ BIO Digital 2021 on 21 June 2021. Selected InvestEU Portal projects were able to pitch their project ideas to US investors. More of these pitching events are planned for 2022.

EBAN Annual Congress

From 16 to 18 June, the InvestEU Portal Team was co-organising the European Business Angel Network (EBAN) Annual Congress. The virtual event focused on keynotes, thematic workshops and pitching sessions for early stage investors, entrepreneurs, innovation ecosystem stakeholders and policy makers. DG ECFIN Deputy Director-General Elena Flores delivered a keynote speech on the new InvestEU Programme.

EEN workshop - 3 March & EU Open for Business - 26 May

Already on 3 March, the EIPP participated to the EEN (European Enterprise Network) training workshop for SMEs. In addition, the InvestEU Portal was presented to SMEs at the "EU Open for Business - A new compass for SMEs" webinar on 26 May.

European Maritime Day - 21 May

The InvestEU Portal was presented to promoters and investors operating in the maritime field at the European Maritime Day on 21 May 2021, a virtual conference where ‘Ocean Leaders Meet”.

BlueInvest Day - 26 January

The EIPP took part with a virtual booth at the BlueInvest Day 2021 on 26 January. Several one-to-one meetings took place with innovative companies in the blue economy field and the EIPP team to showcase the benefits of the Portal to promoters and to get interesting projects in the blue economy field published on the EIPP.

EIPP @ Web Summit, 2-4 December

The EIPP participated in December to one of the largest tech-conferences of the world, the Web Summit. Compared to previous years where the EIPP attended the conference in Lisbon, the Web Summit also had to go virtual this year. Nevertheless, the Web Summit counted more than 100,000 attendees and 1,000 speakers, including European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Executive Vice-President Marghrete Vestager. The EIPP was present at the European Commission stand informing visitors about the opportunities that the Portal offers to them.

EIPP @ Global Infrastructure Summit, 12-14 October

In October 2020, the EIPP participated at this year’s online Global Infrastructure Summit with a presentation, round table and virtual stand to showcase its opportunities to infrastructure investors and project promoters. The Global Infrastructure Summit is the largest conference in infrastructure and was attended by more than 1,000 visitors this year.

What events to expect in 2020?

Several events will be organised during 2020 to increase the EIPP´s outreach to investors. Check out below a few of them and stay tuned to learn more!

EIPP @SME Open Day

The EIPP participated in the SME Open Day "Europe at the service of SMEs", event which took place on 28 November 2019 at the Luxembourgish Chamber of Commerce, with a highly frequented stand to inform local SMEs about the possibilities the EIPP is offering to them.

EIPP @InnovX Open Day

On 28 November 2019, the EIPP has been presented and discussed at the InnovX Open Day in Bucharest, where around 120 innovative start-ups from Central and Eastern Europe gathered. The InnovX Open days were a forum to learn about financing opportunities for newly founded companies.

EIPP pitching and matchmaking @EBAN Summit

The EIPP collaborated with the European Business Angels Network (EBAN) in the organisation of the first edition of the European Angel Investment Summit, an event that emphasized the potential in collaboration for solving major challenges like tech transfer, climate change, gender inequality and scaling up of start-ups.

EIPP @Web Summit

The EIPP was, for the third time now, present at the 2019 Web Summit in Lisbon. Being one of the largest global technology conferences, the Web Summit was visited by more than 70,000 people.

EIPP @R&I Days

The EIPP participated on 24 and 25 September in the European Research and Innovation Days, the first annual policy event of the European Commission, bringing together stakeholders to debate and shape the future research and innovation landscape. Moreover, an interactive session on EIPP was presented at the Innovative Europe Hub.

EU-GCC Dialogue on Economic Diversification

The EIPP met on 8 of July the team of the GFA Consulting Group GmbH to discuss about the EU-funded project "EU-GCC Dialogue on Economic Diversification" - this project's overall objective is to contribute to stronger EU-GCC relations by supporting the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries ongoing process of economic diversification away from hydrocarbon dependent sectors.

EIPP pitching @EBAN Annual Congress

On 3-4 June, more than 530 investors, entrepreneurs, VCs, corporates and innovators gathered in Helsinki to experience two days filled with networking, inspiring speeches, productive workshops and insightful panel discussions at the 20th edition of the European Business Angels Network (EBAN) Annual Congress.

EIPP @EIAH Roadshow

In 2019, the EIPP continued to take part in roadshow events organised by its partner organisation, the European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH). On 1 and 2 April 2019, the roadshow stopped in Portugal, in Porto and Lisbon. The roadshows help to make the European Union´s services better known and are a good occasion to meet project promoters, investors and businesses. Similar events are planned for 2020.