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Education and support for Ukrainian refugees

You will find here a series of articles and resources to support the integration of young Ukrainian refugees into the education systems of the EU Member States and Erasmus+ countries. This page will be regularly updated with all the newest items. It is also available in Ukrainian.

Supporting refugee learners from Ukraine in schools in Europe

This short report focuses on some of the policies and measures developed by top-level education authorities across Europe that aim to assist schools in integrating and helping children and young people arriving from Ukraine.

These include recent policies and measures targeting specifically Ukrainian learners, and policies and measures targeting all newly arrived learners that were in place prior to the current conflict. The report builds on the findings of the 2019 report ‘Integrating students from migrant backgrounds into schools in Europe: National policies and measures’.

Supporting refugee learners from Ukraine in higher education in Europe

This short report focuses on key policies and measures, developed by top-level education authorities across Europe, aiming to assist higher education institutions (HEIs) in integrating refugee learners from Ukraine.

These include recent policies and measures targeting specifically Ukrainian refugee learners as well as non-Ukrainian learners who were studying in a Ukrainian HEI at the time of the Russian invasion. The report builds partly on the findings of previous Eurydice reports on higher education, such as the ‘Bologna Process Implementation Report (2020)’ and ‘Integrating asylum seekers and refugees into Higher Education in Europe: National policies and measures (2019)’.

Country Sheets: Teachers' and School Heads' Salaries and Allowances in Europe 2020/21

Are teachers in Europe well paid? What prospects for salary increases do they have as they progress in their career? This year, for the first time, Eurydice publishes in advance the country sheets related to Teachers' and School Heads' Salaries and Allowances in Europe which have been collected jointly by the Eurydice and the OECD/NESLI networks. They cover pre-primary to general upper secondary education.

Teachers’ remuneration and career prospects are indeed an intrinsic part of policies aiming to attract the best candidates and ensure that they remain in the profession. The country sheets provide the reader with detailed information on statutory and actual salaries, allowances and other additional payments that teachers and school heads receive.

The comparative report will be released on October 5th, in occasion of the World Teachers’ Day.

Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools

Which types of education systems have higher shares of students with at least a basic knowledge of mathematics or science? And what policies influence student achievement?

Education in mathematics and science plays a crucial role in equipping children and young people with the necessary skills and knowledge to be responsible and active citizens in our fast-changing and technology-driven societies. However, evidence from international student surveys show that, in Europe, a considerable share of 15-year-olds do not reach basic levels of skills in mathematics and science.

This report can support education policy-makers and stakeholders across Europe in strengthening student motivation, raising achievement, and helping those falling behind. The report brings together qualitative information from the Eurydice Network and achievement data from two international assessment surveys (the 2019 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) administered by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), and the 2018 PISA survey carried out by the OECD).

Online conference - Towards equity and inclusion in higher education.

We are very happy to invite you to follow our online conference on equity and inclusion in higher education. Join us on June 2nd from 11.30-13.00, where we will present the newly published report "Towards equity and inclusion in higher education" and we will have, together with our speakers and Eurydice analysts, a broad discussion on the education policies that influence equity and inclusion in higher education.


Dear reader, we are pleased to inform you that a list of 2022 Eurydice publications is now available!

Embedding European perspectives in teacher development

The Eurydice network presented its report ‘Teachers in Europe’ during the French ministerial conference "Embedding European perspectives in teacher development" on 3 March. During the conference, the essential role of teachers in the successful creation of the European Education Area was discussed. The conference focused specifically on European mobility for teachers and future teachers, and the emergence of a community of European teachers.

1st interview: How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the value of university degrees?

Fees have long been a controversial issue in higher education policy. There are indeed major differences in approach, ranging from countries with no fees to those charging considerable sums to all students. But what has happened during the pandemic? Did students continue to pay? And did the shift to online learning affect the value of the degrees that they were awarded? In the first of two linked articles, we explore this question with Emilia Kitsiou, a postgraduate student at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

L’éducation des jeunes enfants en Europe : Zoom sur la Finlande

Dans le cadre de l’année européenne de la jeunesse, la Maison de l’Europe à Nantes – Europe Direct a organisé le webinaire: « L’éducation des jeunes enfants en Europe: Zoom sur la Finlande » Notre analyste Isabelle De Coster était là aussi, prête à partager avec les résultats de nos études. Si vous l'avez perdu ou si vous voulez le revoir, suivez le lien en bas. Webinaire en français!

Youth Wiki Live Talk: Has the covid-19 crisis turned into a mental health crisis for young people?

If you have missed our Youth Wiki live talk about the pandemic's influence on youth's mental and emotional well-being, you can re-watch it again! Our special guests: Giulia Paolini, Analyst and Youth Wiki coordinator, Mareike Ketelaar, German National Correspondent, Maria Rodriguez, member of the European Youth Forum, Claire Russon, Psychologist (Attachée à la direction, Centre psycho-social et d'accompagnement scolaires) and Alione Touré, Psychologist at the CePAS (Centre psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires) and president of CCDH (Human Rights Commission in Luxembourg).

Who we are - The Youth Wiki Network

The Youth Wiki is an online platform presenting information on European countries' youth policies. The main objective of the Youth Wiki is to support evidence-based European cooperation in the field of Youth. It does so by providing information on national policies in support of young people – in a user-friendly and continuously updated way. The overall purpose is to help the European Commission and Member States in their decision making, by providing information on reforms and initiatives. It allows the exchange of information and innovative approaches and can substantiate peer learning activities. Currently, 33 countries participate in the Youth Wiki.

User survey: your opinion matters!

Eurydice, the Youth Wiki and the Mobility Scoreboard, invite you to participate in this survey which aims to understand how you use our platforms. We are curious to see how Eurydice, the Youth Wiki and the Mobility Scoreboard have contributed to shaping national policies and to hear your feedback on the overall experience with them and our publications. Answers are anonymous. It is open until 13 February 2022. Your opinion matters to us!

European Youth Strategy Report 2021 and the Youth Wiki role.

The European Commission has recently published its latest Youth Report, which provides an overview of the situation of young Europeans in terms of education, employment, use of digital technologies, mental wellbeing and civic and political participation. The info on the Chapter “Youth Work” comes directly from our Youth Wiki platform. Have a look and compare what happens in different countries.

Youth Wiki section on Mental Health

One of the main aims of the EU Youth Strategy for health and well-being is to support young people’s mental and sexual health, sport, physical activity and healthy life styles, as well as to prevent and treat of injury, eating disorders, addictions and substance abuse.

Check out our dedicated Youth Wiki section to learn about national strategies and other policy measures addressing the mental health of young people, including suicide prevention measures.

Youth Wiki map: e-participation.

Internet and social media constitute a great resource for political and social engagement. Indeed many young Europeans make use of these instruments to get informed about social and political issues, express their opinions and interact with decision-makers. This is why Member States have committed to foster e-participation possibilities especially for young people. But in which countries do online platforms exist and in which not? This brand new Youth Wiki comparative map gives you an overview.