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Sustainable development: what’s in it for education?

In 2015 the United Nations launched a global call-to-action towards sustainable development, setting the Sustainable Development Goals to drive change in the world by 2030. The connection between the SDGs and education is made with Goal no 4 on the list: "Quality Education". But what does quality education mean in this global context and where do we stand with it?

Eurydice Brief

Looking for the main findings of the Eurydice report 'Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe: National Policies and Measure'? This brief is for you! You will find information based on existing top-level regulations and recommendations for the school year 2017/18, gathered by the Eurydice Network in 42 education systems. It is complemented by findings from the academic literature and statistical analyses based on Eurostat, IEA PIRLS 2016 and ICCS 2016 data.

Focus On articles: wrap up

Have you missed out latest Focus On articles? No worry, on our Eurydice facebook page you will find a slide-show that wraps them up:

What can the Belgian Red Devils teach us about education?

If a healthy mind lives in a healthy body why is physical education not a priority?

Does it matter if men don't teach?

Petite Ecole: an educational path for migrant kids

Do we need solidarity in Europe?

So many different topics related to education, enjoy!

Have you ever heard about Online Linguistic Support for refugees?

Online Linguistic Support (OLS) is a free online language learning platform. The European Commission is offering 100 000 refugees and newly arrived migrants access to OLS, on a voluntary basis. The initiative aims to help them integrate better into society, by giving them the possibility to learn the local language. OLS is financed under the Erasmus+.

Country news: Free and quality meals will be served in nursery schools of the French Community of Belgium

As of the next school year,78 nursery schools will distribute free and nutritional quality meals based on local products following a decision of the French Community's government. This decision goes under a pilot project which has the purpose of helping families who do not necessarily have the means to finance their children's complete meals. In order to tackle inequalities, priority has also been given to schools with the least favored children.

Expanding and strengthening Erasmus+

The Council has recently adopted its position on the Erasmus+ programme for 2021-2027. The proposed regulation will expand the offer of learning opportunities in Europe and beyond to more people compared to the current period. It will also be extended to include all levels of education and training. The agreement reached by the Council will serve as the basis for negotiations with the European Parliament. The decision on the financial allocations for Erasmus+ for 2021-2027 will depend on the agreement on the next Multi annual Financial Framework.

Home Education Policies in Europe: Primary and Lower Secondary Education

Does compulsory education mean obligation to attending schools in Europe? Do parents have the right to educate their children at home? Under which conditions can parents exercise this right? Policies and legislation on home schooling vary greatly across Europe. This short report provides a comparative overview on national policies in the 38 countries participating in the Eurydice network. The comparative overview is complemented by short national descriptions.

National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education 2018/19

Is there anywhere in Europe where students can study without paying fees? Which countries charge the highest fees? What kind of financial support is offered to students, and who actually receives it? When students plan for higher education, one important element to consider is how much it will cost and whether they can receive any financial support. Reliable information on the costs and available support in higher education is essential. The report shows how fee and support systems, including grants and loans, interact in higher education in Europe.

Do we need solidarity in Europe?

"Solidarity is the glue that keeps our Union together" - Jean-Claude Junker, State of the European Union address to the European Parliament, September 2016

Solidarity is a word often used when speaking of European construction. But is it still relevant in today’s European Union? Solidarity is not an easy topic for the European Union these days. Yet there are also indications of different possibilities. An example is the recent initiative to establish an 'EU Solidarity Corps' - a cross-national service where young people can take part in social projects. Because solidarity and Human Rights go hand in hand.

How should students be admitted to higher education this year?

Education is not preparation for life: education is life itself, John Dewey

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to change the way we do almost everything – including admission to higher education. What will happen this year? A map on how the new coronavirus is impacting higher education institutions is included in the article.

Compulsory Education in Europe – 2020/21

Looking for concise information on the duration of compulsory education/training in 43 European education systems? In this new Eurydice's publication, you will find the following content: the duration of compulsory education/training throughout Europe, the starting and finishing ages of pupils in compulsory education. You will discover, for example, that in most European education systems, compulsory education starts at the beginning of primary education (ISCED level 1), often at the age of 6. However, attending at least the last year of pre-primary education (ISCED level 0) is compulsory in 19 education systems. France and Hungary report the earliest starting age for compulsory education (3 years old). By contrast, in Estonia and Croatia, compulsory education starts at the age of 7. The information is available for 43 European education systems covering 38 countries participating in the EU's Erasmus+ programme.