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European Solidarity Corps – finding volunteers for your projects!

More and more young people are joining the European Solidarity Corps, with volunteer opportunities proving ever popular. Young people can be paired with suitable projects thanks to a newly launched online tool which makes it easier for organisations to look for volunteers. Find out how to access the European Solidarity Corps database and start the journey!

Who are the young people participating in Erasmus+? Where do they go?

There are many opportunities for young people and youth workers to practice and/or develop their skills abroad; from volunteering to youth exchanges and training activities. Where were their top destinations and which countries send the most participants abroad? What did they feel were the benefits of their time away?

School education staff mobility - the benefits

Staff working in school education have the opportunity to improve their skills and broaden their horizons by taking part in the various actions Erasmus+ has to offer. Enhanced language skills, innovative teaching methods and cultural awareness are among the gains that school staff regularly report upon their return.

Erasmus+ helps with language skills - addressing one of the barriers to free movement of citizens in Europe

European citizens can freely travel and work around Europe. However, having to learn a new language can prevent many from moving abroad. Erasmus+ opens doors for young Europeans every year, providing them a first-hand learning experience in a foreign country. Moreover, Erasmus+ makes it easier to learn the language of a fellow European country through an online linguistic support (OLS) system. Interested? Check out the tools and projects created by Erasmus+ to facilitate language learning.

Erasmus+ supports VET staff mobility, leading to quality training

Each European country has something to share with others in terms of education - a different method, attitude or insight. For teachers wanting to keep their skills fresh and up to date, a professional job-training or shadowing in another European country can be just what they need. Pick up on alternative teaching methods and implement them in your own classroom.

How is Erasmus+ benefiting from Mobility Tool+?

How we demonstrate the positive outcomes of student and staff mobility supported by Erasmus+ and help higher education institutions to improve the quality of mobility? How can institutions receiving Erasmus+ funding know where they stand with their projects and budgets? Mobility Tool+, a web-based support system, is the answer!

You too can take part in the Erasmus+ 30th anniversary campaign!

Check-out the toolkit were you will find a wide variety of resources including infographics, factsheets and videos. All are available to anyone who would like to promote the programme, organise events or debates and generally contribute to the future of the Erasmus+ programme! You can also create a direct link from your website to the Erasmus+ website by using the widget!

European Prize for Social Integration through Sport

The 1st European Prize for Social Integration through Sport was awarded in 2016 by the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus)! This forum is an Erasmus+ Sport project. Sport activities, especially at the amateur level, can play a role in building community links and reinforce social cohesion. Efus is well placed to work with local authorities and sport organisations towards the reduction of violence, racism and intolerance through expertise and good practice exchange.

Are you involved in preparation of Youth Exchanges or Youth Workers mobility projects? A new IT tool is now available which will simplify your work!

With the latest update of the Mobility Tool+, a new functionality allows you to copy data from one mobility to another. Fields common to several participants such as the activity type, the sending and receiving organisations, the activity dates and other can now be automatically pre-filled. This will save time when encoding your participants in group activities!

Don't miss the European Youth Week 2017!

Since 2003, European Youth Week (EYW) has provided a popular and exciting opportunity for young people to get involved in EU politics by sharing their opinions and learning about opportunities offered to them by European Programmes. This year EYW will take place 1-7 May all across Europe. As part of Erasmus+ 30 year anniversary, this edition of EYW will focus on explaining Erasmus+ opportunities and promoting solidarity and the newly launched European Solidarity Corps. Learn more about the achievements of our youth and how you can get involved.

Communication skills for migrant children

In an ever-changing world, some children are learning a different language at home than what they need to use at school. The Welcomm Project uses a Multimedia Learning Kit to help children acquire necessary vocabulary to start school through playful activities. One of the benefits of this kit is that it can be used by educators and parents alike. Learn more about it and start using and sharing it!

EPALE, an online platform for all adult education stakeholders

If you haven’t checked out the e-Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) visit now for information on 24 themes on adult education and training. Whether you’re interested in social inclusion, immigrants, second chance schools, or more, the platform will help you find partners and participate in discussions. Learn more here.

From jail to heritage preservation

Erasmus+ has been working to help adult prisoners find new pathways for years, to great success. This story highlights a man who took up painting while in prison in Bulgaria, and found it changed his life so much he now works in heritage preservation. That’s just one of many similar success stories to come out of implementing art education programmes in prisons. Now, a new project is looking toward bringing even more learning opportunities to inmates.

Adult education projects empower adult learners with fewer opportunities

There are multiple pathways for adult learners with fewer opportunities to improve their skills, and many projects are making those pathways more obvious and readily available. Whether it’s helping adults with learning disabilities undergo training to become more autonomous, or proving that real-life competences gained during migration are applicable to many jobs, these projects are paving the way for less social exclusion throughout Europe.

Commissioner Navracsics visits VET learners in Berlin

VET learners in Berlin were visited by Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Tibor Navracsics during the final months of their successful two-year Erasmus+ project. The project uses an innovative ‘biographical link’ tool and 30-day mobility experience in another European country to motivate trainees. Read more about the project and Commissioner Navracsics’ visit.

Meet the Erasmus+ VET learners

Erasmus+ VET learners are varied and many. They are participants of all fields of study from across Europe who have completed a learning period abroad since 2014. Through the programme, they gained valuable insight into different cultures and working practices, while gaining skills they can use for a lifetime. Read on to find out more about the demographics of the Erasmus+ VET learners, including which are the most popular host countries, and how students choose to spend their time abroad.

StudVAP: students and professionals collaborate on audiovisual work

Capacity-building project StudVAP helps audiovisual and media students from Western Balkan countries to bridge the gap between their studies and the world of work. With more than 400 students and professionals across 6 countries involved there’s a lot of creativity flowing! Read more about the virtual university they are creating together.