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Corona crisis: a look behind the daily news and figures

What impact will the COVID-19 pandemic have on our workers, jobs, healthcare, on the economy or the current world order? Read about Swedish reluctance to impose lock-down, green recovery and how to motivate people to keep social distancing. Stay on top of the latest think tank research on COVID-19 with this regularly updated list produced by the Council library.

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Find out what the EU is doing to fight the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, protect people and the economy and promote solidarity.

Being a trainee during lockdown

What is it like to be a trainee at the General Secretariat of the EU Council when a pandemic means you can’t go to work? We spoke to four trainees about a very different type of work experience.

How rugby made me proud

In his inclusive rugby team, Gerald from Ireland has found a place where he can be himself without being judged for being gay. The EU stands against all types of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation.

We are staying!

Swapping a career as an economist and a lawyer to become farmers: Frano and Jelena Moro took the challenge to turn their family farm into an organic farm in Croatia, thanks to EU rural development funds.

Fridays for future

In Belgium, Fanny and her friends are developing alternatives to single-use plastics, contributing to the EU's green revolution. During the climate march thousands of high school students take the streets to revert the effects of climate change in the near future.

What is the Council presidency?

The Councilʼs presidency is responsible for driving forward the Councilʼs work and preparing its six-month work programme. Every member state – however big or small – holds the presidency of the Council roughly once every 14 years.

A very hands-on Eramus+

From Spain to Germany on Erasmus+ - Edgar pursues his dream of becoming a mechanic, joining thousands of students in the EU's largest exchange programme. Did you know you can go on Erasmus+ as part of your vocational training?

Speaking European

The European Union is neither a State nor an international organisation like any other. With twenty-four official languages, its multilingualism is different from that of any other international entity.

Did you Know That?

The Council meets in ten different thematic groups known as ʻCouncil configurationsʼ? This means that the Council meetings are organised according to subject-matter, so that the right ministers can come together. Therefore there are Council meetings on finance, energy, justice and so on.

Did You Know That?

The Council meets 70 – 80 times a year. When the Council is discussing the adoption of a law, you can follow the meeting live via web-streaming.

It's all about money...

What is the ‘MFF’ that the EU has been discussing so intensively? It’s the EU’s long-term budget financing, among other things, your study programmes (ErasmusPlus), your travel (DiscoverEU), your environment (LIFE programme) and your region (Cohesion Policy).

Lorem Ipsum - News

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin cursus ex lacinia magna rhoncus, non luctus orci egestas. Fusce mollis pellentesque lectus, et sodales leo ultricies fermentum. Ut tempus sed mauris fringilla suscipit. Vivamus ultrices enim et justo efficitur, in laoreet lectus hendrerit.

Lorem Ipsum - News

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin cursus ex lacinia magna rhoncus, non luctus orci egestas. Fusce mollis pellentesque lectus, et sodales leo ultricies fermentum. Ut tempus sed mauris fringilla suscipit. Vivamus ultrices enim et justo efficitur, in laoreet lectus hendrerit.

Lorem Ipsum - News

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin cursus ex lacinia magna rhoncus, non luctus orci egestas. Fusce mollis pellentesque lectus, et sodales leo ultricies fermentum. Ut tempus sed mauris fringilla suscipit. Vivamus ultrices enim et justo efficitur, in laoreet lectus hendrerit.