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Item Overview

Preparing for future pandemics

The World Health Organisation has agreed to work on an international treaty against pandemics in light of lessons learnt from the COVID-19 crisis, supported by a Council decision in May. What would be in the treaty? When will it happen? All answers in our infographic.

Travelling safely in Europe this summer

Travelling to work in another country, visiting our families or going on holiday without the imposition of restrictions will again be possible within the EU. Read on to find out more.

Can ‘green’ be the new norm?

For World Environment Day, we invited 5️ European influencers to a Q&A with EU policymakers. Discover what drives them, their followers’ most pressing questions - and what answers they got.

In this issue

It is finally happening: the roll-out of the vaccination campaign is gathering speed with new vaccines being delivered across Europe. In the survey that appeared in our last edition, many of you confirmed you were ready to have the vaccination as and when the time comes. Even so, some questions remain. Find out about the survey results below and where to find more information. On account of the continuing pandemic, most of us will have to avoid travel over the Easter period. By way of compensation, we invite you on a virtual tour of the EU Council's Europa Building and beyond. Step virtually into the rooms that are rarely open to the public, take a look around and find your country's seat at the table. Our trainees will take you even further on a journey around Europe to discover different Easter traditions.

Europe Day: Visit the Council from your sofa!

Join a virtual guided tour of the EU Council premises and take a selfie in your favourite part of our buildings. Play IngenEUs - the EU inventions game and learn how to wish your family and friends 'Happy Europe Day' in all EU official languages. Save the date of 9 May and keep an eye on your mailbox - we will send you a special edition of the Newsletter!

What does a sports team and the EU Council have in common?

Did it ever occur to you that preparing for a sports competition and for the Presidency of the EU might have many similarities? How important is fair play and active participation when you are part of a team? How can team spirit get the best results? Find out how both sides strive to achieve the best results in this interactive talk!