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Preparing for future pandemics

The World Health Organisation has agreed to work on an international treaty against pandemics in light of lessons learnt from the COVID-19 crisis, supported by a Council decision in May. What would be in the treaty? When will it happen? All answers in our infographic.

Travelling safely in Europe this summer

Travelling to work in another country, visiting our families or going on holiday without the imposition of restrictions will again be possible within the EU. Read on to find out more.

Can ‘green’ be the new norm?

For World Environment Day, we invited 5️ European influencers to a Q&A with EU policymakers. Discover what drives them, their followers’ most pressing questions - and what answers they got.

editorial item 12

We are looking a little more into the future with this edition. At the end of May, EU leaders agreed to issue a common EU digital COVID certificate, which makes it possible to travel safely and freely during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was World Environment Day last weekend and to mark the occasion, the Council invited five green influencers involved in climate awareness and action to collect questions that their followers wanted to put to high-level EU policymakers. We have the questions and answers for you in full - about our planet and how the EU, businesses, communities and individuals can protect it. Enjoy the read, and take our EU inventions quiz to find out how forward-looking European inventors have made contributions to our lives today.

Happy Europe Day!

Europe Day is held on 9 May and marks the anniversary of the Schuman declaration, which established peace and solidarity as the founding principles of the EU. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we bring Europe Day virtually to YOU. In this special edition, we have highlighted some activities for you to celebrate Europe Day wherever you are. Dive into one of the activities directly below or have a look at the full programme. Stay tuned for the upcoming activities across the EU on our social media channels and share your experience and photos on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #EuropeDay . Together with the 27 ambassadors to the EU, we wish you a ʻHappy Europe Dayʼ!

Take your EU Council selfie

No open doors day doesn't mean no photo opportunity: take a selfie at the Council of the EU with a background of your choice. Download your picture and share it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtags #EuropeDay and #visitEUCouncil.

Play the game on EU inventions

Do you know where the hairdryer was invented? Or who invented the parachute? Test your knowledge and play the game: match the EU inventions with their countries of origin and learn about inventions created by European inventors.

Make your voice heard on the Future of Europe

The hub of the Conference on the Future of Europe is now online: This is your opportunity to speak up, to say what kind of Europe you want to live in, to help shape our future. Find out how you can get involved!

What does a sport team and the EU Council have in common?

Did you ever think that preparing for a sports competition and for the Presidency of the EU might have many similarities❓ How important is fair play and active participation when you are part of a team❓ How can team spirit bring about the best results❓ To find out how both sides strive to achieve the best results, join this interactive talk with: ⚽ Pedro Neto, Football Player for Wolverhampton 🚣‍♀ Francisca Laia, Olympic canoe sprint athlete 🇵🇹 Pedro Folgado, Portuguese Presidency Representative, Youth and Sport Attaché. Join us this Friday to take part in this online conversation!

Time to move your hips!

On Thursday, 29 April, we celebrate International Dance Day. Can you match ten dances with the EU countries they are most associated with? Let’s find out!

Joining forces against climate change

The EU’s aim to be climate-neutral by 2050 will soon become a law. The EU is setting an example and inviting global players to join in. Why is joint action a must in fighting climate change?

In this issue

Spring brings more sun, more energy and a range of activities for you to get closer to the EU:

You can now have your say on our future, using the digital platform of the Conference of the Future of Europe. This is the hub where citizens from across the Union can share and exchange their ideas and views in the coming months.

Want to know what a sports team and the EU Council have in common? Find out this Friday by joining a special online session with two top athletes and the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU. And that's just the beginning, because we have an invitation for you for the first fully virtual Europe Day. Save the date and keep an eye on your mailbox for more info!

And if you literally want to burn off some excess energy, why not to try some moves from our quiz on European dances?

Facts against fear

As vaccines against COVID-19 become available, misinformation on the safety and approval processes of these has fast spread across online platforms. Find out more about how the EU tackles the COVID-19 'infodemic'.

Traineeships with no exclusions

They are young, well-educated and prove that a lot is possible. Meet the five participants in our positive action programme for trainees with a disability and read about their experience so far.