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What is competition for?

Executive Vice-President Vestager’s speech,
2021 Competition Day at the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority,
4 November 2021.
[...] "None of this means that competition policy has become a sort of shadow version of our green and digital policies. Our first duty, after all, is still to competition – and to the businesses and consumers who rely on us, to make sure that markets work fairly and well. The Treaty gives us that task – and if we don’t take care of it, then no one else will.
But like everyone else, in this time of great change, we need to do our job with an eye on the future. And if there are ways that we can help Europe go faster and further on its journey, to a green and digital economy – well, then that’s what we should do.
" [...]

A Competition Policy Fit for New Challenges

Executive Vice-President Vestager’s speech,
2021 Competition Law conference organised by the Association of Finnish Lawyers,
29 October 2021.
[...] "Our current review of our competition rules is unprecedented in its scope and ambition. [...] By simultaneously reviewing all our competition instruments, we can make sure they are fit for purpose. " [...]

A new era of cartel enforcement

Executive Vice-President Vestager’s speech,
Italian Antitrust Association Annual Conference,
22 October 2021.
[...] "We all know our economy is facing huge challenges – not just the need to recover from the deep crisis which the coronavirus has caused, but also to rebuild in a way that’s consistent with our green and digital future. [...]
That’s why we’re investing so much at the moment, to make sure our work stays relevant. It’s why we’re developing new ways to spot cartels, and why we take an interest in new types of cartel, as well as more familiar ones.
" [...]

A new Europe: Competition, Industrial Policy, Taxation

Executive Vice-President Vestager’s speech,
Fondazione per la collaborazione tra i popoli - Romano Prodi,
21 October 2021.
[...] "Competition enforcement protects against market power, against dependency on monopolies or too few alternatives. This creates an environment where firms need to be at their best to grow and succeed.
Another aspect of competition policy is how it fosters social cohesion.
" [...]

EVP Margrethe Vestager's speech at Fordham International Antitrust Law and Policy Conference

EVP Margrethe Vestager's speech,
Fordham International Antitrust Law and Policy Conference, New York,
1 October 2021
[...]"We don’t have the benefit of a single, global competition law, or a single antitrust authority, to protect competition the same way across the world. But by working together ever more closely, decade after decade, we’ve been able to build the trust and understanding that allows us to match the growth of global business with a coordinated approach to enforcing the rules." [...]

Competition policy in support of the Green Deal

Executive Vice-President Vestager’s keynote speech,
delivered by Inge Bernaerts, Director, DG Competition,
25th IBA Competition Conference,
10 September 2021.
[...] "That’s forcing us all to think really hard about what we can do to help turn things around. And that’s as true for competition enforcers as anyone else. We need to find ways to help tackle these threats – without rushing into actions that will just make things worse." [...]

Building the infrastructure for success in a digital age

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
Three Seas Summit, Sofia,
9 July 2021.
[...]"This is why we’ve been encouraging European countries to coordinate the way they spend money from the Recovery and Resilience Facility, creating multi-country projects in areas like microchips, internet connections and quantum communication." [...]

Global perspectives on EU Competition Policy

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
Competition Summer School, College of Europe,
5 July 2021.
[...] "But competition policy is only one policy area, and of course, the EU is only one jurisdiction. This brings me back to communication, cooperation and openness. Because if we are to tackle these global challenges, we need a joined-up approach – across policy areas, across countries, and across the world." [...]

Defending competition in a digital age

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
Florence Competition Summer Conference,
24 June 2021.
[...] " we need effective rules and regulations to give us the confidence that the dark side of digitisation is under control – so we can find our way safely out of the dark wood, and make the most of its enormous potential to make our lives better."

Competition policy: staying the course in times of change

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager
Competition Day, Lisbon
15 June 2021
[...] "Of course you need to adapt. You need to bring in new ‘policy projects’ and change with the times.
But the real trick is how you manage the day-to-day, staying true to your core principles and values, and implementing that in a consistent manner.
I think the same is true for our work in competition policy

A digital Single Market that serves businesses and people

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager
Address to the German Family Business Foundation
11 June 2021
[...]"my main task in the Commission remains the same as before: defending and nurturing the Single Market, including by enforcement of our competition rules" [...]

Statement by Executive Vice-President Vestager on announcement by Air Canada and Transat to withdraw from proposed merger

The European Commission takes note of Air Canada and Transat's announcement that they have decided to terminate the proposed merger agreement according to which Air Canada intended to acquire sole control over Transat. The Commission confirms that the discussions with the companies and the proposed remedy package thus far were not able to adequately address the competition concerns identified by the Commission. The Commission had opened an in-depth investigation into the proposed transaction on 25 May 2020

Competition in a digital age

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
European Internet Forum,
17 March 2021.

[...] "the competition rules and the Digital Markets Act will work together in harmony, helping to make our digital markets work better for everyone.
And that’s the way it should be. The digital transition is reshaping our entire lives. And no one set of rules will make sure all these changes happen in a way that puts people first
." [...]

EuroCommerce Policy Talk Webinar

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
EuroCommerce Policy Talk Webinar,
12 March 2021.

[...]"Europe’s recovery mainly depends on Europe’s businesses, and the women and men who work in them. Our main role is providing and maintaining a sound legal and regulatory framework for you, the private sector, to get on with the job." [...]

Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht International Forum 2021

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht International Forum 2021,
11 March 2021.

[…] “So putting together our case experience, the reports on digital markets and our objective to design an effective regulation, we proposed the DMA based on four main pillars. […] National competition authorities played an important role in shaping the proposal, and they still do in the current negotiations. This role will continue because competition law enforcement will continue to shape the DMA.” […]

Industry as a motor for Digital, Digital as a motor for Industry

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
EU Industry Days,
25 February 2021.

[...]"Regulation also has to take account of the special role data plays in the digital economy. That may mean some changes to the competition rules, but it's also about ways to encourage greater data sharing, something that can bring huge benefits in areas like the new Internet of Things. [...]

Competition Policy and the Green Deal

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
Conference on Competition Policy Contributing to the European Green Deal,
4 February 2021


Competition policy is by no means the main tool  to reach our green goals. There are more direct instruments to make our economy greener – such as environmental regulation, taxation, and green investment. 

But that doesn’t excuse us from doing our part. With so much to do, every bit makes a difference.


Competition policy: time for a reset?

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
OECD Global Forum on Competition
7 December 2020

[...] "Because competition enforcement needs to move with the times. But that doesn't mean that we should ever compromise on our commitment to keep markets competitive and fair.

Though it seems like a paradox, the truth is that competition helps us work together. It helps us make the most of our whole economy's ability to innovate; it helps us focus our resources on the things that bring the best results for our whole society; and ultimately, it helps to make sure our economy works not just for a few big companies, but for everyone."

The Interchange Fee Regulation in a rapidly evolving payment landscape: Impact and way forward

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
7 December 2020

[...] "As things continue to change and further evidence emerges, we will act, using the appropriate tools, sensibly and pragmatically. That could be a combination of enforcement and further changes to regulation, based on what is needed. We will also feed into related Commission initiatives, most notably the Payment Services Directive II. This will ensure our policy orientation is fully aligned in all areas." [...]

Shaping the future: the role of State aid and competition rules for ensuring a sustainable green and digital recovery

Speech by Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager,
State Aid High Level Forum of the Member States,
16 November 2020.

[...] "Competition policy is an important part of making that change happen. If we succeed, our State aid rules probably won’t get the credit they deserve. Only a few keen observers will ever appreciate how important our rules are for taking these big steps forward.
That's not something to be disappointed about. On the contrary, it would be a mark of great success.
" [...]