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Harvesting the fruits of the digital age

Speech by Executive Vice-President Vestager,
IBEC Conference, Dublin,
30 September 2022.
[...] "For the DMA, it is also now time to look at enforcement. It is our enforcement action that will bring changes on the ground. We've passed the first hurdle with the adoption of the legislation in record time. That was the easy part. Now expectations are high that Europe delivers the needed changes in how digital platforms operate. As the first global regulator of systemic big tech practices, we will have other jurisdictions watching. And for our enforcement to be a success, we will also rely on third-parties to detect non-compliance with the DMA or assess compliance proposals by gatekeepers." [...]

Intelligent policies for crisis and transition

Speech by Executive Vice-President Vestager,
BEUC conference on consumer protection in the digital age, Brussels,
27 September 2022.
[...] "in DG Competition. As defenders of free and fair markets, our decisions have a direct impact on our lives, as you know very well. After all, behind these ‘markets' are people - consumers, families, citizens. That is why we have decided to organise a conference on ‘Making Markets Work for People', to take place here in Brussels on 27 October." [...]

Webinar with the European Central Bank

EVP Vestager remarks at Webinar with the European Central Bank,
27 September 2022.
[...] " that is why we tabled the Digital Markets Act, that will enter into force in only a few weeks, and that will give us more powers to make sure large digital platforms do not squeeze out small businesses. To ensure a level playing field online and forbid practices like harmful forms of self-preferencing." [...]

The road to a better digital future

Speech by Executive Vice-President Vestager,
6th Conference of the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen,
23 September 2022.
[...] "Now with a new law called the Digital Markets Act we will have even more powers to make sure large digital platforms do not squeeze out small businesses.." [...]

State Aid for the really big challenges

Speech by Executive Vice-President Vestager,
EStALI Conference, Brussels,
22 September 2022.
[...] "I know there has been some scepticism about whether or not the current situation represents a policy departure from our traditional State aid practices. I think there is really no cause to panic.." [...]

Antitrust for the digital age

Speech by Executive Vice-President Vestager,
Fordham's 49th Annual Conference on International Antitrust Law and Policy, New York City,
16 September 2022.
[...] "Preserving a vibrant, diverse and open digital economy is not a luxury. Preventing a handful of companies from freely controlling how businesses can interact with their customers, or from deciding the rules of the game when it comes to life online is not a luxury.." [...]

Merger control: the goals and limits of competition policy in a changing world

Speech by Executive Vice-President Vestager,
International Bar Association 26th Annual Competition Conference, Florence,
9 September 2022.
[...] "But at least as regards merger control, the lesson is clear: As our recent track record has shown, a good set of rules is like a sturdy oak tree in the wind. If it is cultivated and left to grow, it can be flexible enough to bend in the wind, but also have the strong roots to keep it grounded in the storm."

Data Protection and Competition: enforcement synergies and challenges

Speech by Executive Vice-President Vestager,
Conference of the Data Protection Supervisor, Brussels,
16 June 2022.
[...] "We need to address common issues such as the interplay between data protection and competition. Privacy and competition sometimes go together, sometimes they don't. This requires a dialogue between regulators." [...]

Speech by Executive Vice-President Vestager to the Orgalim Conference

Speech by Executive Vice-President Vestager,
Orgalim Conference, Brussels,
14 June 2022.
[...] "By lowering and removing barriers to entry, the EU's competition policy keeps doors open, especially for SMEs and entrepreneurs who are often the ones to come up with fresh ideas". [...]

Creative Renewal: defending competition in the face of disruption

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
Vienna, Schumpeter Award, 19 May 2022
[...] "It would be naïve to imagine that our transition to the digital economy will be the final iteration of the process of ‘Creative Destruction and Renewal'; a process that Schumpeter described so well. I do not doubt that in thirty years, policymakers will struggle to curb the excesses of businesses, which today have not yet been created." [...]

A new age of international cooperation in competition policy

Speech of Executive Vice-President Vestager,
ICN Annual Conference, Berlin,
5 May 2022.
[...]"Because ultimately, competition policy is about more than just ‘prices', ‘barriers to entry' or ‘market share'. It is about prosperity. It is about openness and it is about freedom." [...]

Competition and regulation in disrupted times

Speech by Executive Vice-President Vestager,
CRA annual conference, Brussels,
31 March 2022.
[...] "Because being challenged is fully in the spirit of what competition law is about. And it is in that spirit, I'm announcing today that in the coming months we are going to launch an evaluation of Regulation 1/2003, the central plank of our antitrust enforcement framework." [...]

Competition policy: where we stand and where we're going

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
Bruges, 25 March 2022
[...] "I am convinced that, when the clouds of war finally lift, the work we put into preserving and strengthening our Single Market will equip us with the means to show the world that our path based on open trade and fair competition is truly better." [...]

Fair and Open Trade in Europe and beyond

Speech by Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager,
High Level Conference on Trade Policy and European Strategic Autonomy,
. Paris, 7 March 2022.
[...] "Because such [foreign] subsidies can distort the level playing field, we have been building for 60 years through our State aid control. This is not about protectionism; it's about ‘fairness. Our proposal strikes a careful balance between effectiveness and the burden it creates. And it respects the balance between our own State aid rules and our international commitments, making sure everyone is treated fairly on the Single Market." [...]

Shared objectives for framing the tech economy

Speech of Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestagar,
The Riesenfeld Award ceremony – Berkeley, California,
22 February 2022. [...] "we have launched the new Technology Competition Policy Dialogue, which builds on our longstanding tradition of cooperation. The EU and the US may not end up with the exact same laws, but it is becoming increasingly clear that we share the same basic vision when it comes to developing digital policy to protect our citizens, and to keep our markets fair and open." [...]

Building the green and digital future: the challenges for 2022

Speech by Executive Vice-President Vestager,
International Conference on EU Antitrust: Hot Topics and Next Steps, Prague,
24 January 2022.
[...] "But the time has come when European industry needs to prepare for the investments of the future. So 2022 will be the year when we phase out crisis support, and replace it with new possibilities for governments to invest in preparing industry for the future. So that, as public support fades out, private funding will fade in – and European industry won’t fall into a gap between the two." [...]

Statement by Executive Vice-President Vestager on announcement by IAG and Globalia to withdraw from proposed sale of Air Europa to IAG

The European Commission takes note of IAG and Globalia's announcement that they have decided to terminate their proposed agreement according to which IAG intended to acquire sole control over Air Europa. IAG owns several airlines, including Iberia and Vueling, and is the largest airline in Spain. Air Europa is the third largest airline in Spain. The Commission confirms that the discussions with the companies and the proposed remedy package thus far were not able to adequately address the competition concerns identified by the Commission. The Commission had opened an in-depth investigation into the proposed transaction on 29 June 2021.

Europe's call

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
American Chamber of Commerce's Transatlantic Business Works Summit, Washington DC
9 December 2021
[...] " I am pleased to say that the first meeting of the Trade and Technology Council was a genuine success. We have also just launched a joint dialogue for competition policy, to help us deal with common challenges in tech and digital markets." [...]

State aid rules in crisis and recovery

Speech by EVP Vestager at the 31st European Banking Congress,
19 November 2021.
[...]"The new rules will also help governments use State aid to get businesses back on a stable financial footing. They will help smaller businesses raise equity, to fill the gaps which the crisis has left in their balance sheets. [...]

Remarks on the Communication on a competition policy fit for new challenges

Remarks by EVP Vestager on the Communication on a competition policy fit for new challenges,
18 November 2021.
[...] "competition policy remains a tool that serves the needs of European citizens – as consumers who benefit from lower prices, wider choice and higher quality; as workers who benefit from a vibrant labour market; and as business owners who benefit from innovative, diverse and reliable inputs, and a level playing field." [...]