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Enjoy life and travel: Travelling in Europe 2017-2018 now available

In good time for the approaching holiday season, the new edition of this popular leaflet is now available to order. It contains information on many practical aspects of issues that you might encounter when travelling within the European Union and also includes a helpful fold-out map of Europe.

Cover of 'Travelling in Europe 2017-2018'
European Union

date:  08/05/2017

The leaflet presents the main achievements of the EU such as border-free travel and a common currency, within the context of leisure travelling, in a completely non-political and non-bureaucratic way. It thereby reaches a large number of citizens who are not otherwise engaged in European affairs. With the addition of a colourful map, it is perfect for handing out to the general public as a short, attractive and informative product.

Format: folded - 22.5 x 9.6 cm, flat - 67.5 x 45 cm.

Travelling in Europe 2017-2018:

Catalogue number: NA-06-16-168-**-C.

Currently only available in English – the other 23 EU languages will follow soon.